The Romantics
The Romantics
PG-13 | 10 September 2010 (USA)
The Romantics Trailers

Alliances are tested when seven college pals reunite to watch two of their own say “I do” at a seaside wedding. But the maid of honor and the groom share a passionate history, and the bride isn’t the only one who’s wondering if it’s all in the past.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
phd_travel Katie Holmes plays the maid of honor at a wedding of her friend played by Anna Paquin. The groom played by Josh Duhamel is still has feelings for the maid of honor who is his ex.Why did Katie choose such a bad story to produce? She got a good likable cast including Anna Paquin and Adam Brody together. The story is so meaningless and empty. Josh Duhamel's character is annoying. This shouldn't have been made into a movie at all. In fact all the characters are uninteresting and not developed on screen.Katie's acting has improved from Dawson's Creek days - her smile is not so crooked and her voice is more even.The unresolved ending is annoying. The dialog isn't witty and there is no humor. What a dud - don't waste your time.
Dolomede This film could have been so good, but turns into an irritating piece of shrieking alcohol-fuelled nonsense. You do feel that such people should hold no position of responsibility in their lives if this is the way they behave at parties. At times the level of suspension of disbelief would have required a professional hypnotist. As for Elijah, he played the hapless, on the fringe, Frodoesque character that he does so well - and so endlessly. It does make you feel that if the hobbit had finally made it into human society this would have been the only social outcome where the ladies were concerned. Save it for a really rainy day when the only alternative is "Titanic 2".
gpcheng87 this was terrible - a waste of the 45 minutes i was able to whittle it down to.josh duhamel's character is a spineless cad (he leaves katie holmes outside under a tree?! and she's OK with that?!), which highlights the most fatal flaw of this movie, and i think another user's review mentioned it already - you don't feel for any of the characters. the movie tries to make you pity them, how they are lost and torn, and still searching for happiness and drowning their sorrows in alcohol, but you really just end up rolling your eyes.the final blow was the ridiculous, anti-climactic ending. did the weather really save the groom and the maid of honor, or will the wedding be rescheduled? why are they smiling at each other? because they are terrible people? the failure of this movie is not on the heads of the actors. someone did say that anna paquin might have been miscast, but i think adam brody stuck out like a sore thumb to me the most. he sounded like and acted like his TV series character, and seemed like he was still in high school, much less than having graduated 10 years ago.only the soundtrack was good, and although it could have launched this review to 3 stars, it went back down to 2 because of the strange, poorly chosen final track, an upbeat tune that closed out a confusing, muddled tragedy.
Juhri Shinawatra Seven college friends reunite six years later for the wedding of Lila (Anna Paquin) and Tom (Josh Duhamel). Things go awry when the maid of honor and the bride clash over the groom, with whom the maid of honor was once romantically involved. The story moves slowly trying to explore all the relationships of people in and around the circle of friends. The movie ends with the wedding getting ruined by rain, just before the marriage can be concluded. It is implied that in the end the controlling nature of the bride is too much for the groom and he still loves the bridesmaid.What's going on with this movie? What happen with the casts? Did Holmes Know how to act? I would be very happy to give this movie 0 out of 10 if They hadn't Anna Paquin but yeah, Anna isn't enough. and with the story, suck and lost direction. the script tell us nothing but bla bla bla and bla bla bla.