The Parking Lot Movie
The Parking Lot Movie
| 06 August 2010 (USA)
The Parking Lot Movie Trailers

The Parking Lot Movie is a documentary about a singular parking lot in Charlottesville, Virginia. The film follows a select group of parking lot attendants and their strange rite of passage.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
mohancraig It's amazing how these useless people in our society who most likely smoke weed everyday claim to be somehow superior to those of us who just hold jobs (doing actual work) making money by earning it rather than extortion.. I never pay for parking unless it's a meter; paying for for parking is like paying to take a s**t!
Michael_Elliott The Parking Lot Movie (2010) *** (out of 4)Bizarre but entertaining documentary taking a look at a parking lot in Charlottesville, Virginia where we see the man who owns it and the men who run it. We get to hear their various stories but mainly we see what they do at their job, which is usually nothing as they sit around trying to keep themselves entertained while waiting for someone to cheat them. This is a pretty strange documentary but director Meghan Eckman spent three years on this project and it's certainly original to say the very least. I must admit that I didn't find too many of the personal stories very interesting. Perhaps had more time been devoted to the actual characters then this would have improved things but even at 70-minutes the film does seem a bit too long so perhaps not adding any extra scenes was good. What kept me entertained was some of the things that I was curious about. Every time I leave a parking garage I usually wonder about how much money they're taking in and about the person who might own it. It was fascinating hearing from the owner who talks about how he got in the business and how he hires people to look after the lot. Another interesting aspect was hearing the workers talk about how boring it was and we get to see some of the activities to keep them entertained. However, the best stuff deals with some of the rude customers and how the employees deal with them. Even better are the scenes dealing with people trying to get away without paying.
jjnoahjames Why did I like this movie so much? A movie about a car parking lot? I'll start off by saying there is hidden meaning behind the vague simplicity. The meaning is deep. I felt secretly connected. I felt that nice warm indie movie feeling.What connected me to The Parking Lot movie was the opinions of the attendants, and the situations they got in. I also admired the unintended, amateur splash of artistry that was laying in the background of the movie. It made me feel young.The opinions of these attendants were deep, they range from personal thoughts of pollution, greed, power, common sense and fairness. But what makes their viewpoints shine is that they all live a lifestyle contrary to their daily customers.neat.
Sean Lamberger The underlying point that this feature-length documentary really drives home seems to be that, so long as your boss and coworkers are really cool, just about any gig can be your dream job. I kept hoping we'd see more of the attendants' interactions with angry, rude or ignorant customers, just to observe the new and interesting ways the staff would find to insult them, but the non-confrontational moments were entertaining enough to pick up the slack. A fun look at an interesting group of geeky, identifiable characters who care more about the liberties granted to their lifestyle than about getting rich with a high-stress job.