Failure to Launch
Failure to Launch
PG-13 | 10 March 2006 (USA)
Failure to Launch Trailers

Tripp, an attractive man in his thirties, is still living with his parents Al and Sue. Tripp's best friends Demo and Ace are also still living in their parents' homes and seem proud of it. Al and Sue are not happy, however, and are fascinated when friends whose adult son has recently moved away from home reveal they hired an expert to arrange the matter and couldn't be happier with the result.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
studioAT Sarah Jessica Parker could make this sort of film in her sleep, and it's a shame to see someone with natural comedic ability having to go through the motions in this weak romantic comedy from 2006.It's just not that funny really, which misses half of the objective. The concept is good in itself, but there are too many slow scenes, and the fact that the guy is such an unlikable character too doesn't help.It's surprising to see Matthew McConaughey pop up in such a bad film.
Prismark10 Looking back at this now, you can sense that Matthew McConaughey realised his days as a lead in light romantic comedies would eventually be numbered. There is only so much much mileage in the slightly arrogant, selfish 30 something sports jock with an easy charm for the ladies and bonhomie with his male friends. It all got cheesy very quickly.Sarah Jessica Parker is Paula whose job is to date men who still live with their parents and are reluctant to leave home. By getting them to transfer their allegiance from the parents to her, they will then be willing to fly the nest.Tripp (McConaughey) is proud to be living in his parent's house. His two best friends Bradley Cooper and Justin Bartha (both from the 'Hangover' films) also live with their parents as well. Paula is hired by his exasperated parents. It seems this is easier than saying 'son, its time you left.'Tripp is unlike other clients Paula has dealt with, charming, handsome, athletic, normal social skills, no low esteem and she ends up falling for him.Its a light plot and a flimsy story which becomes increasingly silly and unbelievable. The side plot involving Tripp's friends where they go paint-balling, rock climbing, mountain biking and incidents with various animals tends to be more amusing and pads out the movie. I bet the director now wishes he had more scenes with Cooper in the film.Zooey Deschanel as Paula's acerbic roommate is more memorable than Sarah Jessica Parker and her budding romance with Bartha looks more interesting.The film eventually ties itself up in knots, literally in order to come to a satisfying conclusion to satisfy the romantic comedy conventions.
Laakbaar At 5.6/10, this rom-com is under-rated on IMDb. It's worth about a 7.5. It's not a bomb."Failure to Launch" is a perfectly enjoyable movie with a nice story line, lots of humour and sexy actors. The acting was good. I don't particularly like chick flicks, but I was easily able to sit through this lighthearted and fun film. The humour is what kept me interested, Zoey Deschanel in particular.The conceit is that older parents are getting annoyed at having their 30-something sons still living at home. How realistic that is, I don't know. Not very. Especially with a character like Tripp, a sophisticated man with lots of money, expensive pastimes and a string of girls in his bed. It's hard to see a guy like that still living at home. It's even harder to imagine parents having to hire an "interventionist" to get him to leave. However, this didn't ruin the movie for me.
Hollywood_is_Dead If you told me the writer(s) and director had just come to this planet and had never seen a movie or even read a book before, it still wouldn't completely excuse just how god-awful this movie was.I'm not going to delve into the hows and whys of what made this movie so terrible because frankly I don't want to relive this picture. Just suffice it to say that yes, my wife and I did finish the movie. In the same way that you wouldn't turn away from a plane crash. But we both spent a majority of the time mouths agape or laughing out loud at something they didn't intend to be funny.SPOILER ALERT *******In the closing minutes, when McConaughey fell into the ocean, I made a prediction out loud that went like this:"OK, let me guess ... a female dolphin, wearing lipstick, is going to swim up to McConaughey and instantly fall in love with him and start trying to hump him because let's face it, McConaughey is the most humpable thing in the universe (I said in a snarky way.)And then .... McConaughey will yell in a panic to Sarah Jessica Parker "if you're gonna do something, do it faaAaaaaast! This fish looks horny!" Then a Screaming Sarah will throw a life-preserver, hit Matthew in the head, knock him out and have to dive in herself to save him. Meanwhile the boat drifts off into the sunset without them so a pod of adoring dolphins carries our two nitwits ashore with baby dolphins leading the way, throwing rose pedals."OK, so I got the lipstick part wrong. And it didn't go quite as wacky as I predicted. But I got close enough that my Wife was like OH MY GOD - HOW could you possibly know that?!"I told her I tried to think of the most asinine, ridiculous, wacky, cheesy, fifth grade, horrible idea I felt that Hollywood could possibly conjure up - then doubled it. That's how bad this movie is.In closing : we should all slap a class-action suit on everyone involved with this picture and force them out of entertainment forever.