My Boss's Daughter
My Boss's Daughter
PG-13 | 22 August 2003 (USA)
My Boss's Daughter Trailers

When a young man agrees to housesit for his boss, he thinks it'll be the perfect opportunity to get close to the woman he desperately has a crush on – his boss's daughter. But he doesn't plan on the long line of other houseguests that try to keep him from his mission. And he also has to deal with the daughter's older brother, who's on the run from local drug dealers.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
utility_infielder I don't know anything about the 'backstory' of this film. I don't know if it was plagued with production issues, recasting, re-shoots, censorship/cuts to get a PG-13 rating, etc -- and I don't have the energy to Google it to find out.All I knew about this movie was it came out when I was in high school, and I remember a friend of mine taking a girl to see it on a date. They both hated it so much they left halfway through. For some reason, that fact has remained with me for 10+ years.Now, nearly 15 years after its release, I watched the film on Netflix.Was it good? No. Was it terrible? No. Did I laugh? A little.The main issue was the film's "jumpy" storytelling. I would imagine that this project was originally an R-rated idea, but late in the game they pushed for PG-13, resulting in this jumpy-vibe. It really hurt the film.At no point did I care for Ashton Kutcher & Tara Reid's relationship, nor was their interactions funny or engaging. However, the film did feature an owl jacked-up on coke which was fairly funny.This movie is the definition of the word "passable." Worth a laugh or two, but that's about it. Expected more from Zucker.
Bkaj88 This movie was hilarious. I didn't think it was a Zucker movie till I found out in the end why it was dumb and funny, but it was worth watching. Obviously people hate this movie but they should realize Zucker directed it. The plot was great, and for Ashton Kutchers character, it was half-ass; he thought of going to the party with Lisa but ends up house sitting for his boss and Lisa's at the party with her "Boyfriend" Jon Abraham, "House Sitting? You've got to be kidding me" Ashton Kutcher, "I know it sucks" Funny hidden racism in it when it comes to Keenan Thompson. Some of the humor in it like when they stick their junk out their pants and pee on others. "Looks like we both have guns"
wes-connors Dreamy young Ashton Kutcher (as Tom Stansfield) wants a date with sexy blonde Tara Reid (as Lisa Taylor). Ms. Reid thinks Mr. Kutcher is gay. Kutcher works for Reid's father, an anal retentive Terence Stamp (as Jack Taylor). Kutcher agrees to "housesit" for the boss, believing it will get him closer to Reid. Mr. Stamp has a pet owl named "O.J.", who becomes a toilet cokehead. This is a film to get your restricted to "G-rated" pre-teens ready for raunchier "R-rated" fare. It will help if they haven't seen the plot before, and especially like moronic potty humor. Remember, people get paid to act like this.** My Boss's Daughter (2003) David Zucker ~ Ashton Kutcher, Tara Reid, Terence Stamp
alyiam-1 This movie has got to be about one of the worst i have ever seen. The humor was crude, hardly funny and been heard a million times before. The start was noting special and it got worse and worse as it went on. I got about halfway through and couldn't stand to watch any more of it. Luckily I was only watching it on TV so it didn't cost anything, but I seriously recommend you do not waste you time or your money.Nothing in the movie was new. The characters were not at all developed. I actually think it would have been better as a little kids movie in that it was full of stupid unrealistic "funny" events occurring ... thats like what happens in home alone or something. Not to imply home alone was in any way as terrible as this.