Red Doors
Red Doors
R | 22 April 2005 (USA)
Red Doors Trailers

The Wongs struggle to cope with life, love, and family dysfunction in the suburbs of New York.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
lovemichaella Then there's youngest daughter Katie (Kathy Shao-Lin Lee ), a high school anarchist engaged in an escalating war of pranks and romance with Simon, the boy next door (Sebastian Stan ). This has got to stop, warns big sister Sam after Katie bombs Simon's locker, to which she breezily replies "He loves me". Which really means they both love each other, but that is there own way of showing it. Then after they finally talk to each other they start to have a real romance relation ship.Then there's youngest daughter Katie (Kathy Shao-Lin Lee ), a high school anarchist engaged in an escalating war of pranks and romance with Simon, the boy next door (Sebastian Stan ). This has got to stop, warns big sister Sam after Katie bombs Simon's locker, to which she breezily replies "He loves me". Which really means they both love each other, but that is there own way of showing it. Then after they finally talk to each other they start to have a real romance relation ship.
wondernat From all of the hype I've ingested through queer news outlets, I thought this movie would be worth watching. Unfortunately, the chemistry between Mia Scarlett & Jules was very awkward -- their first kiss was laughable. There was one cute moment between them (GOUDA!), but it wasn't enough to actually delineate this movie as "queer." It was quite a shock to learn this movie won two awards at the 2005 Outfest. There must've not been many good entries that year.The awkward queer story line aside, I was very amused by the hilarious comedic timing of Kathy Shao-Lin Lee and Tzi Ma's inner neuroses. It is a rare actor who can entertain without saying much at all.Watch this movie to be entertained, not for its queer content. Although the lesbian story was very positive and non-dramatic (in L-Word terms), it is far from qualifying as a queer movie.
vfullart I really enjoyed this movie. The characters were fun and the end left you in a good place. I just wish that you could have seen more of the mother. There that is the worst I have to say about this film. Everything else is just wonderful. The characters (except mom) are well rounded, the pilot believable and well paced, and the filming style a joy to watch. When you laugh out loud when you're by yourself you know you have a winner. Not to mention...Mia Riverton is very easy on the eyes.I was upset when I couldn't see this film in theaters. I was overjoyed when the producers decided to make it available for renting online. This is going to be a big step for independent films. So go do your part to support this film. I promise you won't to sorry.
onlyemailleft It was so nice to see a movie that was not the standard crap that so often comes out of Hollywood. This film was very funny and very moving.Coming from a family with 3 daughters and a father who often was left in a daze by the constant chaos around him, I really felt a connection with this movie.The cast was awesome and really delivered great performances. The story was credible, entertaining, and filled with humor at just the right times. This is without a doubt a film I would go to see again in a heart beat.I would definitely recommend it!
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