Wonderful character development!
Too many fans seem to be blown away
Lack of good storyline.
Rio Hayward
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
If you don't expect too much from this movie, then "Prisoners of the Sun" is actually entertaining enough for what it is. But just a word of warning, don't get your expectations up too high."Prisoners of the Sun" is about professor Masterton (played by John Rhys-Davies) who is uncovering an ancient pyramid, just in time for a celestial event that takes place only once every 5000 years. Deep within the heart of this ancient pyramid is the secrets of the lore of ancient Egypt and the visitors from beyond our world who brought civilization and marvels to mankind. But the trek to the heart of the pyramid is a perilous one.Essentially, then the storyline was alright, cheesy, yes, but still fun enough to watch. The storyline was very predictable and didn't really offer much in any kind of surprises or grand moments.The effects in the movie were good enough, although don't expect to be dazzled or blown away.As far as the acting in the movie went, well, then once again don't get your hopes up too high, because this is most definitely not award-winning performances. People did fair enough jobs with their roles, but it just didn't feel wholeheartedly.The ending of the movie was really a slap in the face, especially after having sat through an hour and a half only to have the movie end with such an anti-climatic shut down.And with their constant descent and venture into the pyramid, it was surprisingly amazing that once it all collapsed that they were right back up to the ground level in a blink of an eye.If you enjoy adventurous movies that include spelunking, treasure-hunting and ancient civilizations, then there are far better movies available.
I decided to watch this movie when I saw that John Rhys-Davies played in it. He is magnificent as always, the movie on the other hand not that much. To be fair is not that bad either, it could be worse. The whole Egyptian – Alien human race is tasteless and it is a story told too many times. Yeah I know what you'll think. The same thing stands for the mummies. But no it doesn't. Mummies are something classic, like zombies (sorry for that)! You can never have enough mummies, you always want more!So the story goes like this: an excavation takes place to locate an ancient pyramid. An eerie storm will solve some problems and bad man will play their role…! The problem with this movie is that the story is too long in the beginning, so they probably wanted to finish quickly and the story towards the end is told too fast. My biggest objection with this one is: WHERE ARE MY MUMMIES?????????????
Jesse Boland
Well this was a nice weekend afternoon sort of movie that was mostly well filmed, and written. The acting is all a bit over the top, but that would meet the style of the film. John Rhys-Davies is really the biggest surprise, I know he was in the Rings movies, but otherwise what we have seen of him in the last 10 years has mostly been images of him in rapid decline. However to my great surprise, the man looks as spry as he did in the long ago days of Sliders, and he is just as energetic in his acting as ever. I did Enjoy this movie over all, the plot had holes, and there was a bit to much of a rush to make the ending resolve that the lead up feels like it was almost wasted. The effects are mostly seamless, and for the fact that this does actually almost work is why I would recommend this movie to anyone who has an afternoon to kill. If you have not seen the Mummy movies though go watch them, or some old Allen Quartermain.
Take a healthy dollop of Indiana Jones, a substantial amount of Aliens and Predators and some sprinkling of The Mummy - no, not any of the remakes! The original! I take it that John Rhys-Davies and Joss Ackland are short of cash in their dotage...This pretends to be a mix of old time adventure and some meager sci-fi and it fails.Acting is OK. There are no more damsels in distress than what is usual today - meaning none. Gender equality-wise, that's good! Women are quite capable by themselves and they really don't need men with hair on their chests to rescue them from anything.There's no sex and no nudity - tends to get sort of awkward. Comforting! That means we're "down to some serious action". Ahem... Well...The plot starts out OK, promising actually, but this production doesn't take off and doesn't deliver. It may be comforting to see old faces amongst all the new ones but wrinkles doesn't cut it.There's neither hero nor heroine in this concoction.The CGI is good, but with the software available today, who'd flunk it?See it if you have to. But you don't, do you? No really!