The Maze
The Maze
R | 19 October 2010 (USA)
The Maze Trailers

Five friends break into a closed corn maze in the middle of the night and decide to play a harmless game of tag. Little do they know that a psychopathic killer has decided to play along. As they wander aimlessly through the maze the murderer follows closely behind, taunting them and watching their every move. The game turns deadly when the kids decide to separate and weaken their chances of survival. When the mutilated body of the maze owner is found they realize that something is terribly wrong. As they race to find the entrance of the maze, the murderer cleverly forces them to follow the path that he wants. Manipulating everyone to his vicious will, the killer taunts his victims and leads them further into the depths of the maze. After succumbing to hours of torture will anyone make it out of the maze...alive?

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, the cover for "The Maze" does look interesting, but the movie was anything but interesting. It was basically a snooze-fest from start to end, because nothing much did happen.The movie is about a group of young people who go into a withered corn field to play tag, but they are not alone there. A killer is stalking the corn field, eager to snuff out their lives.The outlay of the story does seem fair enough, but it just didn't really work out in any way. The corn field idea, as great as that is, have been used a bit too much to have the same scary effect anymore. And the killer, well, a guy in a red sweater with the hood worn up so no one can see his face, well that isn't particularly scary. And the way people were killed were fairly boring - yeah, I said boring. As with the last decade's gory slasher-fest and inventive ways of killing people in movies, the ways used in "The Maze" was just boring and unimaginative in comparison.The one bright spot to this movie was the twist towards the ending of the movie. That was actually worth suffering through the first three-quarters of the movie for. I enjoyed that twist and idea on the storyline.For a slasher movie, then "The Maze" is well below standards of what you would expect from a movie of this category in this day and age.
kaos_katt9 This movie is a tough one to rate, as the majority of it is quite very mediocre. The acting from almost all the characters was terrible, the writing wasn't too bad but it wasn't anything special, and the directing most of the time seemed nothing more than OK. Although, everything having to do with the killer was spot on. A brutal, smart, quick killer that doesn't take any risks or chances and pounces as soon as he gets the chance, probably the best slasher villain in recent horror films. The red coat outfit was awesome and the weapon of choice was simple. The first half of the movie was pretty boring other than his scenes while the second half of the movie is much better and does a good job of redeeming itself. The twist with the killer was actually great and very unexpected. His character was all-around the best part of this film. Not to mention the acting of the killer was absolutely fantastic, I look forward to hopefully seeing him in films in the future. Although the first half isn't very good (again, other than any scenes involving the killer), I do highly recommend this film to horror movie fans, especially indie and slasher fans.
cade9522 Seriously? Out of all of the reviews for this movie on IMDb, only about half of them were 1-2 stars, the rest were 5 and above. What is wrong with all of you. One review even said that the movie left him/her scared..... I find that hard to believe. I was to busy laughing at how terrible it was to be scared. To run down the 5 worst things with this movie, here is number 5. The ridiculous "twist" at the end which wasted so much of my time (about half of the movie took place after the killings. Number 4. The description of the movie said that a group of TEENAGERS get lost in a corn maze. What teenagers? The youngest one could have been 25, but they could have ranged all of the way up to 40. Number 3. The magic switchblade, which left no blood what so ever, or blood coming out of the victims bodies for that matter (some exceptions do apply). Number 2. How did the killer not die, or even get slowed down from being stabbed in the stomach? Number 1. It is a CORN MAZE, not a maximum security prison. None of them ever thought to just run through the corn, or were they trying to make record time on the maze. Well that is the end of my review, please do watch this to enjoy it... only to laugh at it.
slatromhsiloof Once again one of the actors from the film must be reviewing his own movie. I can guess which one. Why not a ten star review? Because it was so horrifically bad even the person trying to skew the numbers to try to sucker ANYONE into watching this trash couldn't even bring himself to give it ten stars. Add this to the list of low budget movies I couldn't even bring myself to finish watching. If the producers of this waste of time and money have any shame they will recall and burn every copy, send the ashes off into space, then issue a public apology for believing anyone would be so stupid as to actually want to watch this worthless piece of garbage. I could make a better movie utilizing my camera phone and a bunch of 5 year old children as cast AND crew. Premise is entirely unbelievable anyway, as anyone who has ever been into a corn maze knows all you have to do to get out is pick a direction and start walking. Its CORN for God's sake, not an adamantium force-field. Unfortunately people from Hollywood actually ARE this stupid, so they expect the general public to be as well. If you have any sense, you'll skip this worthless piece of trash. If you don't have any sense, skip it anyway. There are plenty of better things to do with your time, like stabbing yourself in the eye with a fork.