PG | 04 November 2010 (USA)
Megamind Trailers

After Megamind, a highly intelligent alien supervillain, defeats his long-time nemesis Metro Man, Megamind creates a new hero to fight, but must act to save the city when his "creation" becomes an even worse villain than he was.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Michael Ledo For someone who is not yet in their tweens, this is a 5 star movie. For adults it is a 3 star movie. Megamind and Metro Man both are hurled to the earth from dying planets. Metro Man bumps out Megamind from a good home and lands our blue "hero" in prison. Megamind believes he is destined to be the villain his whole life, so he acts the role and harasses Metro Man, an unlikeable egotistical good guy as well as Metro City. After he successfully kills Metro Man and wins, his life is boring without a challenge so he creates a hero to fight himself, Titan Man.At this point I won't ruin the plot twists. Classic Rock and Pop is used as theme songs for the bad guy which made the movie confusing for me. ;)The sound track was 5 stars. What was unfortunate was the actors they chose to read the lines. They added nothing to the movie. When Lithgow, Murphy, and Diaz do a movie, their voices add to the story. This was not the case with Ferrell, Fey, Hill, Cross and Pitt. Could you imagine Eddie Murphy instead of Ferrell? Simply a better movie.
cricketbat I liked Megamind, but I didn't love it. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something was missing from this animated feature. Nevertheless, it's got interesting characters, great voice work and fun animation. I recommend seeing it once - you may just love it.
invisibleunicornninja Every element of this story is fantastic - comedy, story, drama, characters, and animation. This story is entertaining with extremely well-written characters and perfect pacing. This is now one of my favorite animated movies. I have no complaints with this movie, and would highly recommend it.Anyone who is annoyed about the obvious Superman parody is just a DC fanboy who's annoyed that Metro Man is a better written character than most versions of the actual Superman.
benjamin-camili Good and quite funny, but didn't come close to reaching full potential. Repeated gags and imagery, flat characters, an overused Soundtrack, and the animation, while not bad in any way, had nothing else to offer, aside from Megamind's entrance into the Final Battle. It is a nice ensemble cast, full of likable actors (and AN actress), but again, not much more to offer other than that. None of them seemed to really delve into their characters. But that's the fault of the script. It takes short-cuts for comedic effect, at the expense of real characterization. But, I mean, it's for children, so it's a perfectly fine movie.Although it kind of seems weird to me, that they hugged instead of kissed in the end. I mean, come on. It's a Happy Ending. Let them kiss, for crying out loud. No child will be traumatized by the sight of that. Kids are not stupid.