Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
PG | 18 September 2009 (USA)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Trailers

Inventor Flint Lockwood creates a machine that makes clouds rain food, enabling the down-and-out citizens of Chewandswallow to feed themselves. But when the falling food reaches gargantuan proportions, Flint must scramble to avert disaster. Can he regain control of the machine and put an end to the wild weather before the town is destroyed?

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Niffiwan There's nothing wrong with the animation, art design or production values of this animated feature. Nothing wrong with the arc of the main story either (structurally or morally), or with the voice acting.The reason I couldn't really get into it is that nobody acts like a real person; all the characters act like Hollywood stereotypes imagined by someone who doesn't actually have friends. It never feels like a single character in the film is actually real or has a soul, so it's hard to care about what's going on, aside from admiring it in the sense one might admire a roller coaster ride. A few days before I saw this, I watched the animated "A Christmas Carol" which came out the same year, and it is a great contrast; I could actually believe that the people in "Christmas Carol" were real and care about what happened to them, despite the ridiculous roller-coaster action sequences (which both films have).The other thing which bugged me is that nobody in "Meatballs" has to work hard to make something they want happen; they just have to really want it and then suddenly they can easily do it. Inventor builds multi-million dollar lab and inventions effortlessly (the complete polar opposite of what actual work in science is like). Fat guy (near the end) suddenly becomes martial arts master just because he really, really wants to and the plot requires it.It gives the wrong lesson about the value of work and discipline (namely, that one doesn't need them, that just to have a good idea is enough), but the primary fault is that it just made it hard for me to care about what was going on in the movie, particularly as none of the characters even felt relatable in the first place.
Mayflower73 I am a huge fan of animated movies. From 'Wall-E' to 'How to train your dragon' from 'Toy Story' to 'Finding Nemo' to (yes) 'Frozen'. I just love them. 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs' is definitely not an animated movie I love or even like. One cliché after another. The absolutely unintelligent, stupid 'villains' there to hate without a real purpose (I'm not even sure how that is possible) just like the 'heroes' (who are not likable and couldn't produce an intelligent thought at all). In the middle of the movie I gave up and pressed 'forward' because at least I wanted to find out how the movie ended. The ending was just as useless as the rest of the movie. I did not enjoy the movie.
Shopaholic35 It's such a fun and creative concept, who wouldn't want to see delicious food falling from the sky. Seems nice in theory but I'm sure it would be pretty sticky and smell quite bad.Because it's so imaginative it makes up for the one-dimensional characters. They may not have a lot of personality but they certainly have a lot of heart. It's just one aspect but they don't make the movie for me.It's the animation that makes it a memorable classic family film. It's beautifully colourful and has a nice amount of intricate details. They have really made the effort to create a wonderful world that enchants you.
Stompgal_87 I first saw this film at the cinema with a member of support staff at my former care home five years ago and we both enjoyed it a lot. Recently my mother purchased the DVD for me when she got it for a special price with another purchase at HMV and when I watched it this evening, I enjoyed it just as much as I did the first time around.The animation is consistent for the most part with some good uses of squash and stretch, especially in the Jell-O scene, but it was sometimes rapid and jarring, particularly on Earl towards the end of the film and while the character designs are cartoonish with a few blocky elements (particularly the nose of Flint's father and Earl's hands) and not as realistic as those in the Shrek franchise, the visuals were inventive, the backgrounds were full of vibrancy, especially the enormous Jell-O 'palace' and when the film's setting was covered in ice cream, and detailed. It was funny when a banana 'boomerang' knocked the Columbia lady out of her spot in the opening logo and this is the most creative use of the logo since 'Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle' (in which the camera zooms into the fire of the lady's torch and links to a real fire in the film itself). I also like the use of hybridity. While the majority of the film is 3D computer-animated, I liked the use of the cute dog film to provide a background for a weather summary, the animated photograph of a cat and the 2D special effects plus also the brightly-coloured 2D end-credits sequence if it was jerky in parts. The story is unique and, as other reviewers have said, full of originality due to using the food theme in a way that has never been thought of in animated film before while the dialogue is witty and smart. Some of the funniest moments included Baby Brent's repeated "Uh-oh!" line and Flint's monkey Steve (the second animated primate I've heard of with that name, the other one being from childhood favourite 'Spot the Dog') wanting gummy bears and eventually fighting them off during the climax. I did agree with a previous reviewer about Earl's line, "I love you, son," being repetitive but it was really sweet nonetheless. Despite the majority of the voice cast being lesser known, the voice acting is one of the best assets of the film and the cast members I seem the most familiar with are Anna Farris as Sam and 'The A Team's' Mr T as Earl. While the music is not the most memorable feature, I liked the song 'Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows' by Lesley Gore as well as Miranda Cosgrove's (who went on to voice Margo in the 'Despicable Me' films) 'Raining Sunshine,' the one playing over the 2D-animated portion of the end credits and the incidental music playing while an allergy-swollen Sam tries to pull up Flint with a Twizzler is beautiful. Both Flint and Sam are worthwhile leads while Earl and his son, the mayor, Baby Brent, Flint's father and Steve all provide great support.In spite of the animation being slightly inconsistent in places and a couple of repetitive lines, this film really is a feast for the eyes and is without doubt one of the most creative I've ever seen. 8/10.
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