Blade: Trinity
Blade: Trinity
R | 08 December 2004 (USA)
Blade: Trinity Trailers

For years, Blade has fought against the vampires in the cover of the night. But now, after falling into the crosshairs of the FBI, he is forced out into the daylight, where he is driven to join forces with a clan of human vampire hunters he never knew existed—The Nightstalkers. Together with Abigail and Hannibal, two deftly trained Nightstalkers, Blade follows a trail of blood to the ancient creature that is also hunting him—the original vampire, Dracula.

Steineded How sad is this?
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
yolomcswaging The Blade trilogy is a great set of movies and Blade: Trinity does a pretty good job at wrapping the series up.Lets start off with the acting. The acting of this movie is nothing to rave about and is nothing extremely special. There a great performances from the cast and Dracula seemed threatening and imposing. The acting altogether was great from Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel. Wesley Snipes actin at times seemed a bit wooden and stiff.. In the first Blade movie his acting was great and it slowly went down hill from there throughout the trilogy. When we get to this movie his acting doesn't seem like Wesley Snipes but all and seems like another actor altogether and not just at a handful of times.The directing of this movie is alright but some choices that David S. Goyer made seemed odd and unfitting. Some of the transitions between scenes seemed off and poorly done as well which is a shame because the first two blade movies did this well. With David S. Goyer not only writing and directing it made the movie seemed stressful.Now lets look at the character of Blade (Wesley Snipes) himself. Some action scenes seemed taking from him and handed to Abigail whistler (Jessica Biel). This was a shame because Blades action sequences always were the highlight of the movie. That being said the action sequences that we did get were compelling and entertaining and very, very well crafted. The humour of Blade that he had in the first two movies seemed taking from him as well. This time it was handed to Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds). I am not going to lye Ryan Reynolds is a great actor and handles jokes very well and he made me laugh multiple times in the movie. But because of this Blade had little to no humour left in him which was unfortunate.The action sequences of the movie were incredible though. This movie had some of the best action sequences in the Blade trilogy. The action scenes handled the characters very well and made them look cool doing it. The ending fight with Dracula and Blade was gripping and we got to see Blade action. Unfortunately this was at the end of the movie though. It is one of the best endings to a super hero movie pre 2005 which is saying something.The villain of this movie Dracula (Dominic Purcell) was a great villain. His scenes were intimidating and well made. The scene that I liked most with Dracula was the scene were he stalked the vampire hunters and killed them. This scene was intriguing and left you on the edge of your seat. I didn't feel much sadness for most of the characters that died though but the blind lady I did and her death was saddening and made me like the villain Dracula a little bit more. The reason for this is because we don't see many comic book villains that have the guts to do something that Dracula did on screen.In conclusion this was a very good conclusion of the Blade Trilogy. The humour was great and the action scenes even better. But I did feel that David S. Goyer sort of lost contact with Wesley Snipes and the Blade character though leaving the main character in a strange way. But thanks to a compelling villain this balanced out and Dracula even outweighed the bad at times. With everything considered Blade: trinity gets a 7/10.
adonis98-743-186503 Blade, now a wanted man by the FBI, must join forces with the Nightstalkers to face his most challenging enemy yet: Dracula. Blade Trinity is the final installment of the Trilogy and the weakest for many fans and critics but the problem is that critics didn't like the first film or even the superior sequel Blade 2 which remains the best of the 3 in my opinion with the hand to hand combat. Now Blade 3 i didn't mind the corny humor or the bad language that comes once in a while because it worked pretty well most of the humor came from Ryan Reynolds which pretty much plays Deadpool in here and Jessica Biel was one hell of a badass chick as for Wesley Snipes he is Blade simple as that there's no TV Series or anything that they made after this he still wants to make Blade 4 and studios should let him do it. Is this better than Blade II? No but i think it comes somewhere close at 2nd but i really don't remember the first one so i can't really say the only thing that i didn't like from this film is some of the cgi was kinda out of place and that scene when Dracula went inside the shop and killed the owners that was kinda lame but i found the acting from the 3 leading actors to be pretty cool, the villain looked pretty scary as for the rest of the cast i found Triple H to be the most interesting character in my opinion and the blind lady alongside Kris Kristofferson were easily 2 of the most saddest deaths in the whole movie the worst character by far was John Michael Higgins not a perfect movie but i was entertained a lot.
Fifth_of_November I used to hate Blade Trinity and whereas it grew a bit on me with time and I am no longer a hater, it still remains a mega disappointment.The movie is nicely filmed and its premise is interesting, as the near-extinct vampires go find their patriarch, Dracula, to help them fight Blade. Also liked the idea of Blade getting hunted by humans after he mistakenly killed one, having been set-up.The worst of the worst as to be the two new heroes. Hannibal King spends the whole movie cracking one-liners and it gets old very quickly, especially in a Blade movie where what you do not want to get is HUMOR. Blade is not a funny comic and shame on David Goyer for not getting that.Then you get Abigail Whistler. The fact that she would listen to her iPod while fighting vampires tells you how low-grade this movie has been turned into by David Goyer. It's already a FAIL to have a human beat up a vampire but to make it worst, it had to be a hot girl and she can take on many at the same time while listening to music. Absurd as hell, makes you want to throw something at your TV.These nightcrawlers' biggest achievement is to make vampires look extra-weak and to make Blade useless since they can dispatch vampires with such ease themselves. All in all, the movie itself becomes irrelevant after both vampires and Blade become obsolete.The bad guy himself looks more like a pimp or drug dealer than anything else and does not have the strong screen presence that Frost or Nomak had in the previous two movies. We actually barely see him until the end, except for a strange scene where he supposedly wants to see what Blade can do and for that purpose, runs away...?!? This all results in Wesley Snipes becoming a support cast in a Blade movie, which made many angry for good reason. Snipes gave life to an otherwise little known comic and he did not deserve such a bad movie and bad role to end the trilogy. Shame on Goyer and the studio for that.This being said, the final fight does work despite all the flaws leading to it, and this is what mostly saves the movie from total failure and absurdity. I also enjoy the new Danica Talos character, played successfully by Parker Posey. Most visuals are nice as is the camera work.This is somewhere between 3 and 4 out of 10 but at the moment of writing this review, I feel for the upside after seeing again the final fight. I do hope, though, that Blade gets another shot at the big screen at some point, this time with a director who has a clue and who will take the character seriously.
Terryfan This is the very first Marvel Movie I saw in theaters back in 2004 and it still one of the best times I had at the theaters. It's one of those films in a series that I look at the good and ignore the bad. Also Blade Trinity was how I discover IMDb in 2005 and while I have been on the site ever since so as part of my ten year anniversary I'm reviewing Blade:Trinity Yes I know this movie got a bad rap but I still love it since I saw it in theaters. The plot this time features Blade (Wesley Snipes) must team up with Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds) and Abigail Whistler (Jessica Biel) as they do battle against Drake (Dominic Purcell), Danica Talos (Parker Posey), Asher Talos (Callum Keith Rennie) and Jarko Grimwood (Triple H)I feel Blade Trinity is actually a good action comic book movie because it features a lot more than people give it credit for.The action scenes in the film are top notch as you see many fights throughout this movie and the stunts are pretty intense and some of the most out of control scenes that make you go I can't believe that. Also the film does feature some emotional scenes that I remember everyone in the theater was silence throughout that really is not something you see all the time any more. Plus there are some good performances in the film Plus there is a good soundtrack for the film along with the score that helps tell the story of the movie. Now the film does have it share of comedy some weak some that make you laugh so hard along with one scene I remember everyone in the theater clap Back to the film the movie is just driven by action and tense movements that you won't see coming even while watching Blade:Trinity also it still a better vampire film Seriously give Blade:Trinity a try you might be surprised with how much it's better then you thought it would be plus the film feature cool one liners With tense moments, superb action scenes and actually one of Marvel's most interesting films you will actually come to enjoy it I give Blade:Trinity an 9 out of 10