Afro Samurai: Resurrection
Afro Samurai: Resurrection
NR | 16 October 2009 (USA)
Afro Samurai: Resurrection Trailers

Afro Samurai avenged his father and found a life of peace. But the legendary master is forced back into the game by a beautiful and deadly woman from his past. The sparks of violence dropped along Afro’s bloody path now burn out of control – and nowhere are the flames of hatred more intense than in the eyes of Sio.

NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Andrew Medley I thought Afro Samurai was a Fantastic Idea for a Anime/Animation Movie. as in the way Of Violence & Revenge as well as the Storyline based on such Early Times of the Samurai Generation. I would Love to see this Animated Movie As well as the Original as a Movie.. I believe the Settings, Storyline & Characters would be Fantastic to see on the Big Screen, by Bringing A Comic Animation Book To Animated Movie Life not to mention the Movie Screen is something these days not shown as much as Earlier Years.. Samuel.L.Jackson is Great as Afro's Helpful Helper along the way LOL.. The Revenge Story/Saga Could be based around or as close to the Kill Bill Story Movie Saga.
chaos-rampant Brooding, laconic badass Afro Samurai and his wisecracking alter ego Ninja Ninja (both voiced by Samuel Jackson) once again return to walk the path of demons as a sultry villainess (voiced by Lucy Liu) steals Afro's Number One headband and plots her revenge that involves resurrecting Afro's dead father. The refreshing and intriguing combination of blaxploitation, samurai culture, anime and hip hop (soundtrack by usual suspect RZA) that made the first one such an infectiously cool hack-and-slash yarn is pretty much of the same standards but this time it's let down by a silly story and disappointing ending that was clearly not very well thought out. How easy Afro loses his headband at the beginning of the film left me scratching my head in disbelief but Teddy Bear's change of heart at the end was downright lame. Whereas the first worked so well exactly because of the very simple revenge story - Afro, wearing the Number Two headband, looking for the man who killed his father, all the while having to defend his headband from an assortment of colourful villains, not very different to a video game logic and very enjoyable for that matter - Afro Samurai: Resurrection throws everything and the kitchen sink in the plot and hopes it all makes sense somehow. I also had the impression the gore and blood geysers were less this go around. Fans of the first will probably have a good time as the funky and bloody style are good enough for 90 minutes of brainless fun but take it any more serious and you might be in for a let down.
mumukenny I really enjoyed Afro Samurai the Original. The animation was great, the story kept your attention rapt the entire time. I feel that this sequel did not live up the the original at all. The only aspect that did was the animation. The attempt to delve deeper into the character of Afro leaves a lot to be desired. Overall it portrays him as much weaker than in the original series; physically and mentally. It introduces historical happenings that don't make any sense and introduces characters that weren't mentioned at all in the first series. For instance there is a scene where Gino and Afro meet up with Gino's sister (never mentioned before). Both Gino and Afro are wearing swords and Gino introduces Afro as being like his brother from the sword master's dojo. Immediately after they receive their swords in the original series Afro challenges the sword master. During the next scene Gino is mortally wounded and everyone else from the dojo excluding Otsuru is killed. Therefore, this scene with Gino's younger sister is impossible. Overall this sequel was a disappointment. The plot was not up to par, the ending was mediocre, the fight scenes weren't as well done, and the discrepancies made it less enjoyable than it could have been.Animation good. Everything else not very good.
cornishgringo Very good anime sequel but no tentacle scene so fail! See the thing is when i watch an anime i expect a few things these things are.Cute Japanese girls in school uniforms.Some kinda Cyborg who his a killing machine.Plenty of sword fights with limbs flying everywhere and faces sliding off.A hero who has to avenge the death of any member of his immediate family.But more than anything i want to see a good tentacle rape scene no anime is complete with out one.