The Big Green
The Big Green
PG | 29 September 1995 (USA)
The Big Green Trailers

In a depressed Texas town, British foreign exchange teacher Anna attempts to inject some life into her hopeless kids by introducing them to soccer. They're terrible at first, but Anna and her football-hero assistant whip them into shape. As they work overtime, the pair help kids build their self-esteem and also get involved in solving family squabbles.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
flackjacket I really tried to like this movie. Lord knows I tried. After all, it was broadcast free on a local TV station and the cost of admission was zero. So I endured the animated intro that was completely disjointed from the rest of the film that followed.I suffered through the obvious clichés of downcast misfits and insufferable moppets who were predictably going to somehow unite and overcome the mean over the top enemy coach. I resisted vomiting with the overdone insinuated affair of the teacher and the sheriff.I held back severe diarrhea after seeing one too many scenes of the typical "misfits who will win" cliché overweight kid who had visions of ninjas and so forth as he tried to protect the goal. And despite the much expected screwed up drunken dad, and all the soon to be healed by sports parent/kid relationships, I hung in there.But then when they got to the scene of these insufferable misfit moppets, and soon to be heroes attempting to mow the "big green", with sped up film, only to be followed by the scene of the ever lovable kids and whacked-out parents having a sweet sugar-coated love fest in the mud and rain in slow motion for added effect. That's when I lost it.It was as if someone had induced diabetes by pouring a 2 pound bag of sugar coated doggie diamonds down my throat. Or more accurately, goat poop. Yes, to add to the whole predictable Disney over-sweetened saccharin sickness of this film, there's a goat mascot... just in case the rest of the film didn't put you in a coma.Anyway, if you haven't seen this movie, thank God.
mikeofstedal This movie is beyond terrible. I have rarely seen a combination of directing, cinematography and screenplay that is this bad. Seriously...go do story problems in an 8th grade math book before you watch this...honestly. You will thank me later. The story is of course a complete cliché that has been done a thousand times...but the effort put forward here is beyond reprehensible. Even the songs in the movie are bad. Little giants, heavyweights, both bad news bears movies, ladybugs...these are all 10/10 compared to this disgusting wad of complacency. How Steve Gutt could actually read this script and say yes is beyond me, but is money. If you need to kill some time, try a screwdriver to the brain for a couple least the pain will remind you life is worth living.
meloda This movie is great for kids, and any kid should see it. Many teens and adults may find this movie wasteful, but anyone who keeps an open mind and makes efforts to "read between the lines" can really see that there is a lesson to be learned. As in reality, there are many towns such as the fictional rural town this movie takes place in. In such towns (with closed industrial mills and no jobs,) you will find kids with too much time on their hands like in this movie. At the beginning, the kids didn't see a point to their lives and just didn't care. Sheriff Tom Palmer (Guttenberg) didn't have much of a life either. Anna Montgomery comes to town as the school teacher and really turns them around. She really teaches them to believe that they are no less of people than anyone else and that with hard work and persistence, one can achieve their goals. They don't even know how to play soccer in the beginning, but it goes to show that hard work, heart, persistence, belief, and teamwork can go a long ways. Anna Montgomery is a terrific teacher, coach, and leader. Towards the end, anyone can tell that they are changed for the better and learn to believe in themselves on and off the field, thanks to true leadership.I admit, this is not a movie with tons of adventure and excitement. Though it may not be a classic like Forrest Gump or Citizen Kane; it really is a great family movie and really goes to prove a point. I recommend it to anyone with a family and a heart to see the good that can come with good leadership and teamwork.
Amy Adler The students in a small Texan town have a new teacher from England (Olivia D'Abo). She is trying hard to motivate and communicate with her pupils, with only limited success. Limited, that is, until she gets her students excited about soccer. She assembles a ragtime team, with no uniforms, and teaches them about the fundamentals of soccer. The team, with a mixture of girls and boys, begins playing matches. They lose. The teacher enlists the help of the local sheriff (Steve Guttenberg) and, together, they help the team improve. But, will they succeed in winning soccer games? This is another stroll down Mighty Ducks lane but it is still a good film for children. It's themes of hard work and teamwork are undeniable and very worthwhile. The actors, the script, and the Texas setting form a touching and funny film. If you want to find a good family film for a night at home, try this one. Big grins will pop up over The Big Green.
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