Little Giants
Little Giants
PG | 14 October 1994 (USA)
Little Giants Trailers

When Danny O'Shea's daughter is cut from the Peewee football team just for being a girl, he decides to form his own team, composed of other ragtag players who were also cut. Can his team really learn enough to beat the elite team, coached by his brother, a former pro player?

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Joel I've seen a lot of sports movies since I've lived on this planet, and this just happens to be one of my favorites.Like I've said in one of my other reviews, I don't really like football, but this is an instant classic. I can say this because I saw this when I was at least 8 or 9 years old and loved it! There are many memorable moments in the movie, and everyone from kids to adults can enjoy this.The only complaint I have is that they show it on ABC Family sometimes, and for some reason, they edit a lot of it out... and some of the edits actually make the movie work... if you can, stay away from that version.Aside from that, this is a 10 out of 10.
mtr0118 Watching this comic film about two brothers facing each other on the football field as coaches was very humorous, especially Ed Oneal's Kevin Oshea. His attitude nearly resembled a combination of Mika ditka and Tom Landry. No wonder why Rick Moranis' Danny told him off, "Who the hell do you think you are? Vince Lombardi? These are kids." That was probably the line that lay-ed out the plot of the picture. The Ice Box was nearly cute as she had her crush on her own QB. It was very nice to see Hall of Famer John Madden do a cameo appearance as he got lost on his way to Canton, Ohio.If the action on the field would of been filmed as detailed as in Bend in on Beckham(2004) Little Giants would have been really for everybody's enjoyment especially since this film is most possibly aimed at younger audiences. But I still give it a seven out of ten for its good effort to represent rivalry on a pee wee field. Spike stole the scene as a Dick Butkus like kid.
ckmec-1 I never had my doubts on seeing this film at my local theatre back in 1994, and didn't expect anything special. Just another kiddie football movie with the down-on-its-luck ragtag, underdog squad of little losers... well, you get the idea.Rick Moranis (where in God's name has he been these past few years?) plays the role of Danny O'Shea, the non-athletic younger brother of Urbania Ohio's (the setting) pride and joy, Kevin O'Shea (Ed O'Neill), former Heisman Trophy winner, and the constant talk of the town, a true All-American. He runs an elite team of pee-wee football players, which draws the attention of his brother.Danny assembles his own team (rejects of Kevin's squad, daughter in hand and all) and together, challenge Kevin's Cowboys to a match, and thus the aptly named Giants, for which they provide a "giant" effort when they finally do square off, provide light entertainment and a few scattered chuckles for the audience.There are some "thematic elements," present, but its safe enough for all ages.
dance_machine88 this movie, despite the predictableness of it, is a wonderful movie for anyone, whether it be family or friends, Little Giants is a great showing of perseverance, and determination. give it a shot, who knows maybe after seeing this movie, rick moranis might not be a loser to you... highly doubtful on account that he plays a loser in the movie but still, focus on the kid actors in it and the message they try to get across. there are very many hilarious parts in this movie if you pay attention. the comedic timing proves to make this movie what it is. in short, Little Giants is a terrific movie that everyone should see, and enjoy.