Just One of the Guys
Just One of the Guys
PG-13 | 26 April 1985 (USA)
Just One of the Guys Trailers

When Terry Griffith loses her high school's writing competition, she's convinced that it's because she's a girl. So Terry decides to change high schools and pose as a boy to prove her point. Her brother, Buddy, helps her pass as a guy so well that she is soon making friends with the boys at school, including the attractive Rick, who becomes her new best friend. But her gender-swapping makes things difficult when she falls in love with him.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Uriah43 "Terry Griffith" (Joyse Hyser) is a popular senior in high school who wants very much to be a journalist for a newspaper after she graduates. Unfortunately, when her paper for a local newspaper journalism prize is rejected, and she is slighted because she is essentially too attractive, she decides to secretly enroll in a rival high school and compete for the journalism contest there--as a guy. But what she doesn't count on is the unexpected turmoil her decision creates by leading two totally different lives. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this film was simply hilarious. Along with that it doesn't take much to see that both Joyse Hyser and Bill Jayne (as her younger brother "Buddy Griffith") were clearly having a good time playing their parts which made the movie even more enjoyable. Likewise the performance of William Zabka (as the high school bully named "Greg Tolan") and the addition of such attractive actresses like Toni Hudson ("Denise"), Sherilynn Fenn ("Sandy") along with the aforementioned Joyse Hyser certainly didn't hurt either. In short, this is a good example of 80's comedy and I recommend it to all those who might be interested in something of this nature. Above average.
Doriano ​This has always been a guilty pleasure for me. Yes, one of the reasons was because I loved Joyce Hyser who was so beautiful in a Sandra Bullock kinda way. I really thought she was going to have an amazing career much like I knew Sandra would when I first saw her in While You Were Sleeping but for whatever reason Joyce never became a household name. I thought she was an excellent actress and had all the qualities but it just goes to show that sometimes there's a lot of luck involved in become a big star. I had the same feeling about Julia Roberts when I saw her in Mystic Pizza (another all-time favorite!). This underrated film has slowly garnered a lot of attention and respect over the years. It has an excellent message at its heart and a sweet love story. The humor was also pretty good. Unfortunately many people judge it incorrectly because of an awful movie poster with Joyce holding two football helmets over her breasts (ugh!). Yes, there is the infamous boob shot near the end but this movie is nothing like most of the teen flicks of the 80s. This is more like The Last American Virgin than Porkies. By the way, I also loved Clayton Royner who was in another favorite of mine, "M0dern Girls" which starred Virginia Madsen, Cynthia Gibb and Daphne Zuniga.
DarkVulcan29 Tootsie was very funny in it's time. But this that is sort of like Tootsie in reverse, was not as funny. And listening to some of the jokes make me wonder why was this movie not rated R, I mean some of the jokes make the American Pie movies seem Nc-17. It was not all that funny, through most of the movie, I laughed for putting in the effort for trying. The story begins with Terry(Joyce Hauser) is very upset when she does not win a Journalist contest. Feels she is not taking seriously because she is a pretty female. And is pretty annoyed that her brother Buddy(Billy Jacoby--William Jayne now) has pined up several naked women in his room. So she pretends to be a guy, and changes schools, in hopes to get some respect. During that time she befriends Rick Morehouse(Clayton Rohner, you remember him from G vs E), keeps getting crossing unpleasant paths with the School Bully(The Karate Kids, William Zabka), and his pursued by Sandy(Then unknown Sherilyn Finn). It was not totally bad, Billy Jacoby seems to steal most of the movie has Terrys sex crazed brother. It was an alright 80's flick, but not a classic.
Son_of_Mansfield *Some mild spoilers, viewer discretion is advised*I remember watching this on HBO seemingly every day of every summer of my teenage years. Joyce Hyser is flawless. I can't imagine anyone else playing the role of Terry. I think it's her voice and her sense of humor. She expresses a lot in her voice and has one of the best senses of humor that I have ever seen in a female. I talk about Joyce Hyser so much, because this may be the only movie that she has a lead in EVER. The movie, which may not fully do her justice, is made better whenever she is on screen. Also she actually passes for the opposite sex(sorry Mr. Curtis and Mr. Lemmon). Joining Joyce is a fine cast including Clayton Rohner(dork), William Zabka(villain,duh), Sherilyn Fenn(love interest), and Arye Gross(House II!, another dork). Terry's boyfriend and best friend do well in their roles, but don't deserve to be named for they are not quasi-famous to me. As for Billy Jayne, I go back forth in liking him and not. He accurately depicts someone obsessed with sex. If you have any interest in the above actors, I don't think you will be disappointed. There is nothing visually stunning. The script is o.k., Buddy gets the best lines. The soundtrack is pure eighties which is always an adventure. All in all, a pleasant distraction with good actors that makes today's teen movies seem dull which of course isn't hard. And one of my favorite topless scenes which is actually essential to the plot in my opinion.**Rick: Where do you get off having t**s! Terry: Sorry.**