The Package
The Package
R | 25 August 1989 (USA)
The Package Trailers

Experienced Green Beret sergeant Johnny Gallagher is escorting a prisoner, Airborne Ranger Thomas Boyette, back to the US, but Boyette escapes and Gallagher must risk life and limb to catch him.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
chris The Package is an enjoyable conspiratorial cold war thriller. I was extremely excited to watch when I discovered Gene Hackman and Tommy Lee Jones were in it as I rate them both very highly. Hackman was excellent - thoroughly believable and accomplished. I thought Tommy Lee Jones was actually pretty unremarkable in this - perhaps because the nature of his character required some discretion for dramatic purposes. I always enjoy a standout performance from someone I haven't seen much or any of before. This time around it was Dennis Franz. I thought he was excellent and brought the movie back to life when it was starting to tire. Expect some twists and turns and also expect a few almost laughable moments that weren't needed. But overall it is a decent thriller with a couple of great performances notching it up a level from bang average. One criticism would also be the pace. I felt it lag a couple of times and almost lost interest - but the pieces came together eventually and it managed to reach its dramatic conclusion.
SnoopyStyle Johnny Gallagher (Gene Hackman) is a sergeant guarding the peace negotiation in Germany with his men. They get attacked by a well organized group. Col. Glen Whitacre (John Heard) blames him for the failure as well as the failed hostage rescue in Iran. He suspects a group is aiming to assassin the President. Gallagher is ordered to take a prisoner (the package) disorderly sergeant Walter Henke (Tommy Lee Jones) back to the States. Henke escapes from the men's room at the airport with the help of several accomplices. Gallagher discovers that the man isn't actually Walter Henke. He enlists his ex-wife Eileen (Joanna Cassidy)'s help. Henke's wife is killed by an assassin and Gallagher is detained. Eileen discovers the package's true identity is Thomas Boyette. There is a conspiracy from both militaries to stop the treaty. Gallagher and Eileen enlists his old friend Chicago Police Lieutenant Milan Delich (Dennis Franz)'s help.The basic scheme doesn't make too much sense. It seems to be way too complicated and it would be simpler to leave Gallagher out of it. If they want Henke as the patsy, then they need to kill Gallagher at the airport or use one of their own men to transport Boyette. It's obvious the scheme is fashioned after the premise of Hackman and TLJ is hatched by the writer. By letting Gallagher go at the airport, he's obviously going to look and find out that the prisoner isn't actually Henke. The story needs a few more passes to iron out these problems. If one turns off the brain, this thriller goes on auto pilot and does a good job with that. Hackman is always capable in these kinds of tense thrillers. As a historical oddity, the movie was released at around the same time that the people were circumventing the Berlin Wall signaling the end of the Cold War. The movie is overtaken by history just as it was released.
kai ringler boy how I really love this film,, first off Gene Hackman gives a performance worthy of an Oscar, Tommy Lee Jones was great in this movie,, Dennis Franz was great to , and Pam Grier had a small role in here to. this movie is set in the Cold War, the tail end of it, and Hackman is assigned to bring in a man on some petty violation of sorts. turns out the man isn't who he's supposed to be, the man Hackman is supposed to be escorting back to Germany is already dead. he get's assaulted in the bathroom and the prisoner escapes. so this is basically the beginning to a political assassination,, it takes awhile to get there, and may move slower in spots. but round halfway this movie cranks up the action and doesn't let go,, kinda like a modern day Kennedy assassination thing going on here, with the term "patsy" and all of the political propaganda going around.. everyone who worked on this film deserves much praise, for this is really a great movie,, not a classic, but way better than most of the stuff that comes out of Hollywood these days.
oeoaa I first saw the "The Package" as a video rental back in 1990. It's not only one of Andrew Davis' best films, but one of the best political thrillers I think ever made. The plot is as intricate and complex as movie viewers will see. Just take some of the best elements of a Tom Clancy novel, set it in an urban setting, namely Chicago where Davis is from, and you've got a typical Andrew Davis film. Like "The Fugitive" "Above the Law" and "Code of Silence", "The Package" sets its story around a plot filled with conspiracies, cover-ups and political power games. The plot, as I said, is intricate. Some in this forum and elsewhere said it's too confusing. Perhaps. So is the real-life JFK assassination. But all of the bells and whistles are necessary. The story (and here's a spoiler warning for you!) is about a plot to assassinate the Russian President during a U.S. summit held in Chicago. The plot involves high-level American and Russian political and military officials. What they hope to accomplish is somewhat revealed in the end. The Cold War --in the film-- is ending, but some in the U.S. government don't want to see that happen. So, a scheme is concocted to find a patsy, set him up as a radical, and frame him for the assassination. The Russians, presumably, will blame the United States for their president's death, regardless of the circumstances. What will all this lead to? World War III? A new Cold War? A coup d'etat in the American government? The film, understandably, leaves that up for speculation. The ride is more fun than sometimes the payoff in this kind of film. That's pretty much this movie's plot. But then again, this is a plot in many movies. Other films, however, fail to give us a compelling story. Not the case with "The Package." Too many movies just gives us wall-to-wall action with a cookie-cutter plot to get us from one action scene to the next. The good thing about this film is that there are plenty of action scenes, but the real enjoyment is trying to piece the puzzle together. So, if you like those type of thrillers, you'll love this film.TLD - Chicago