NR | 14 February 1989 (USA)
Babycakes Trailers

Grace is an overweight mortuary cosmetician who falls in love with Rob, a handsome subway train conductor who doesn't even know she exists. When she finally devises a way to meet him, they discover that although they are physically different, they have a lot more in common than they think.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
severine rubis I watched again this movie recently.The story is commonplace.A girl whose name is Grace but who works as a make up assistant in a mortuary is overweight and sees one day a boy she finds handsome.That is love at first sight! She is immediately in love but she doesn't know that the boy ,Rob who is a subway conductor is not free.He lives with a pushy girl,olivia but he is Grace imagines she will catch Rob like she wants..she is determined to change her life and takes her vacation to spy Rob..Actually she stalks him and one day she invites him at a cafeteria..the young handsome man is so nice that he cannot refuse.How could he refuse a banana split covered with hot chocolate and he takes advantage of the situation in my opinion because he likes Grace but she takes care of him too..She does so much for him..But that is the problem..Grace does everything for Rob and she is always TOO MUCH.She eats too much,she likes chocolate too much,she cooks all the time.And she is fat!! This isn't a good teaching for overweight girls who suffer because of their body image..actually we can see Grace eat,very often..too often! And Rob falls quickly in love with her but once his fiancée is back,will he defend Grace?no .He will run away leaving Grace beaten by his fiancée.i cannot swallow the end..Rob tells Grace that he LOves her and to live with him in the if nothing had happened.Sure he likes her but is a bit easy..In reality everything is EASY in this movie..The attitude of Rob,the stalking,the dinners at candlelight,the easy that nobody can believe it can be true especially in real life.Fat girls don't catch boys so easily..and not thin's romance! A pleasant movie to watch when there is nothing else on TV or to dream a while..
hanniewigs Being a lady of size I found this movie exceedingly embarrassing. I remember seeing this movie for the first time when I was about 12 years old, then and now I get so unnerved by the lengths Grace goes to "catch" Rob. The movie is like Fat-Girl-Chick-Lit all stereotypes and hammy dialogue. Ricki Lake's performance is overacted and the situations she finds herself in ridiculous. No self-respecting plus size woman would grovel or moan about like Grace. The guy who plays Rob does a very decent job and tries to convince the audience he can handle Ricki Lake's Grace. It is just strange, this movie is good for a laugh and that is it. If you want to see a good 80's movie check out Teen WitchP.S. The bathtub scene needs to be fast-forwarded through.
Michael O'Keefe No great shakes, but a real nice light romantic comedy. Paul Schneider directs this off beat story of an overly plump cosmetician(Ricki Lake) falling in love with a solidly built subway conductor(Craig Sheffer) who happens to already be spoken for. He is more than willing to spend part of the Christmas season with her while his fiancee is out of town. Are his feelings for real or just pity? There is that little something about this movie that makes you take inventory of your own insecurity and doubts.
whateva_8 This movie was actually pretty good. Let's all remember to judge it by the standards in the time period in which the film was made! It was a bit anti-climatic at the end but Craig Sheffer and Ricki Lake were sweet to watch together. It you watch this movie as the light entertainment it is, I think you'll really like it!