Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman
Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman
R | 21 November 2000 (USA)
Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman Trailers

The sheriff and his deputies from the first movie decide to take a vacation in the Caribbean. Their holiday will be short-lived, however, as the thawed murderer gets inadvertently re-frozen and brought back to life. As if that weren't bad enough, he now has the ability to remain frozen even in tropical temperatures, and he's headed south to settle some old scores.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Wuchak Released in 2000, "Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman" brings back Sheriff Sam Tiler (Christopher Allport ) and his wife (Eileen Seeley) as they fly to a tropical island to celebrate Christmas where no possibility of a killer snowman exists. But they're wrong, DEAD wrong. Chip Heller & Marsha Clark also return as the couple's friends, who get married on the island. This time the character of Agent Manners is played by David Allen Brooks while Scott MacDonald once again uses his voice talents for the snowman.This sequel brings back the writer/director of the first film, Michael Cooney, and the main cast members (or characters). I can't compare it to the 1997 straight-to-video film because I don't remember it (not to be confused with the 1998 theatrical movie of the same name, starring Michael Keaton). Regardless, the production quality of "Jack Frost 2" is noticeably micro-budget and not even up to snuff with the typical Syfy flick. It's about on par with, say, an episode of Married With Children.If you can handle that kind of very low-budget, "Jack Frost 2" is fairly entertaining. There are a few good-lookin' women, like cutie Jennifer Lyons, but they don't last long before the snowman gets 'em. In short, they're all decidedly peripheral characters, which is a shame. Where the movie's genius shines is in the second half with all the cute lil' killer snowballs and their amusing interactions with the characters; they're quite entertaining in their no-budget way.The film runs 91 minutes and was shot in Santa Clarita, California.GRADE: C
Michael_Elliott Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000) BOMB (out of 4) Horrid sequel to a really awful movie has everyone's least favorite killer snowman following the cop from the first film to a beach where more deaths happen. JACK FROST 2 is a painful film to sit through because it's just so downright boring that the 91-minutes really do feel like torture. In fact, I'd highly recommend someone to brutally mutilate themselves before sitting down to watch this thing because it really is that bad. Like the first film, you really shouldn't take this thing too serious but whereas the first at least had a couple interesting things in it, this sequel is just downright awful. On a technical level I guess you can give writer-director Michael Cooney some credit that the film looks decent but there's still no way to overlook everything else. Look, I get it that this here is just meant to be camp but I didn't laugh at any of the spoofs and I certainly wasn't scare by anything here (unless you could the horrid CGI snowman). The film contains bad acting, bad writing, bad special effects, a bad story, bad kills and just not a single good thing. You really can't even enjoy this thing on a "so bad it's good" level because of how hard it is to get through the thing. This here is certainly something that Santa should give out to bad kids instead of coal.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki Completely braindead, terribly-conceived sequel to a film which was surprisingly amusing. The killer glob of snow is resurrected by hot coffee (seriously) and goes to tropical island, where cop from the first film is on holiday with his wife on the (as usual) one-year anniversary of the events from the first film. The deaths in the first film were amusingly silly, but here people are dispatched in some of the most idiotic ways imaginable. Top-billed Jennifer Lyons has just a cameo, with only a few brief scenes before being killed (by salad tongs!) 20 minutes into the film. Manners is back, with only an eyepatch to show for having his face gnawed off by the killer snowglob in the first film. *groans* Such a funny first film, such a waste of a second.
Aaron1375 Yes, in this movie you are treated to multiple little snowmen on the attack in apparently a very warm climate so yes this movie is definitely not to be taken seriously. It is in fact a much worse movie than the original as at least with that one the whole production looked like it cost more than a couple of bucks and a video camera to make. It has its funny moments, but really playing off the cheapness of your movie and making that be your intended laughs is kind of weak film making if you ask me. You can not come up with a good story, your effects are going to really be bad, hey let us just make the movie look as bad as possible with horrible one liners and we have our movie. The first one at least had a somewhat credible story as the snowman in that one attacked during the winter and not what amounts to a resort. It also had better effects too, this one is just a step or two ahead of "Hobgoblins" as far as the monsters are concerned and you really want to be more than a step a two above a bunch of hand puppets. Still, it makes up for all of this with a super ending that depicts a great sea vessel being taken out by the mighty frost. Actually, I am just kidding, but really it was the funniest part of the movie.