Your Studio and You
Your Studio and You
| 01 February 1995 (USA)
Your Studio and You Trailers

A parody of 1950s corporate/industrial films, commissioned by Universal Pictures executives after the studio's purchase by Seagrams, and featuring cameos by many stars and directors.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
MartinHafer Do yourself a favor. Go to Google and type in "Your Studio and You" and then hit the Video button. This will bring up a wonderful short film that very few people have actually seen--Matt Stone's and Trey Parker's film made to inaugurate the purchase of Universal Studios by Seagrams. I assume it was meant to be shown at a corporate meeting or stockholders meeting--the public at large wasn't shown this film. This is really a shame, as it's amazingly clever and cute and deserves to be seen by the ignorant masses! The film is narrated by Trey Parker and the whole thing has the look of a 1950s corporate film--complete with black & white camera-work and cheerfully bland 50s elevator music. What makes it even funnier are the completely happy mood (almost as if the participants are drugged), the constant references to Seagrams Wine Coolers and the bizarre references to deer lawn ornaments. In addition to the kooky atmosphere, the writing is exceptional and it's really neat to see many of the studio's talent acting in this film. While not exhaustive, you can see Steven Spielberg (as a tour guide), James Cameron, Demi Moore and Sylvester Stallone (who has fun poking fun of his dumb-guy image).The bottom line is that this is an exceptionally funny and cute film. Even if you don't like SOUTH PARK, this film should make you laugh. However, there is a bit of rough language, so this is not a film for the little ones.
insane_larry In thinking about it, it might even be better than South Park. It's straightforward, fairly simple, and funny. Really, a brilliant little film. I've only seen this once on a horrible stream from a now defunct website and was impressed with both the writing/narration (both obviously Trey Parker with Matt Stone) and the fact that so many famous people made appearances and treated it seriously.An example? Seeing Steven Spielberg driving the Jaws ride and getting zero reaction to his enthusiasm was a moment in cinematic history that barely anyone will get to see if this doesn't get released somehow.
RobWrong If you know anything about Hollywood then watch this you will laugh your butt off! It's worth finding it just to see James Cameron plant trees and say "Sweeten, enhance, beautify"! Really fun short!
tuck007 This is a terrific parody of 1950's informational films. It's an underground Hollywood movie, just like Parker and Stone's "Spirit of Christmas," which prompted South Park. It's a very funny, tongue in cheek look at Hollywood.