Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs
Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs
NR | 30 June 2008 (USA)
Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs Trailers

Fresh off ripping space-time a new one at the end of "Bender's Big Score," the Planet Express crew is back to mend the tear in reality, or (hopefully) at least not make it worse. Beyond the tear, though, lurks a being of inconceivable...tentacularity. What will become of Earth, and indeed, our universe, when faced with the Beast with a Billion Backs?

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
DudeyMcDude I liked Bender's Big Score, but after a 2nd viewing I think most of the enjoyment was from just seeing new Futurama material... all in all it was pretty average. The Beast With a Billion Backs on the other hand had me in stitches many, many times and when it wasn't hilarious, it had such an interesting sci-fi story going on that it made up for it. The payoff was great and definitely had me geared up for the next movie. I think the overall quality of writing was much better this time compared to BBS. That one felt like three episodes stitched together with a "meh" ending, while this one never let up. There were so many classic lines and scenes I was ready to watch it again the next night.Don't listen to the negative reviews, this one is definitely worth watching.
demeterpapaioannou1 I have been suitably impressed with the quality of the reviews I have thus far read (good to see a University degree is not a waste!). Just a question and I do hope a die hard fan can answer me this: Why is it in the opening scene 'The beast with a billion backs'all people including scientists do not know the cause of the time rip that has been present for a month where as at the end of 'Bender's big score' it was known to have occurred due to the overuse of the time travel code?How so is the cause of the first film so easily disregarded for the second one? Could someone be so kind as to explain it to me? Indeed I have searched for answers however I am hoping one of you kind folks answer me the riddle I just presented. Cheers.
Esteban Tapia I simply cannot understand the reason behind the bad reviews posted here. For fans: Futurama is back! And with great difference to the disappointment of Bender's Big Score, it's back on track and on it's toes once again. For non fans: Watch it, enjoy it, judge it then. It depicts characters in a realistic manner, they're understandable and their personalities are well portrayed, it also doesn't hurt at all the series as there's no spoilers or messing with timelines.I loved this film! It made laugh, it got me excited and it entertained me, a lot! It's fast paced, it has a well strung smart storyline and it doesn't abuse it's characters like the previous film. I had hard feelings about their previous attempt, I definitely hated Bender's Big Score as it got me worried that Futurama was completely lost, but this film turned around all of that! I'm tremendously glad that Groening and co. managed to return from the dark side of over-dramatic plots accompanied of simple knock knock jokes to once again deliver great, quirky and smart episodes.Futurama is back folks!
fedor8 The similarity with the Simpsons movie is that 90 minutes may be too long for a cartoon - even if it's a totally unpredictable, silly one like Futurama. Fortunately, however, the Futurama movie was not misused by the producers to promote their left-wing political views, torturing the viewer with idiotic fallacies and the bad gags that are related to them. Plus, of course, there's no Lisa Simpson, which is always a good thing, and one of several reasons why the Simpsons are basically inferior to Futurama.TBWABB can be considered as an average Futurama episode, quality-wise, which is by no means saying it's bad. While it's true that the premise may be even zanier than what we usually got, a number of gags totally bomb. I certainly didn't find the polygamous Fry girlfriend funny. The secret robot society segments should have been handled much better; there was plenty of potential in that. And as with most superior episodes, there should have been more Bender and Zoidberg, because they're by far the funniest characters (the Professor being a close third).
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