Neil Stryker and The Tyrant of Time
Neil Stryker and The Tyrant of Time
| 11 April 2017 (USA)
Neil Stryker and The Tyrant of Time Trailers

In a madcap future era, the world's greatest secret agent, Neil Stryker, struggles to rescue his young son from the clutches of his infamous former mentor.

WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Michael Ledo This film is the sequel to "Evil Cult." Even if you saw that film, most likely you won't remember much about as it came out in 2003. Neil Stryker (Rob Taylor) is a paid assassin in a large group of paid assassins. He once attended MIT and learned from The Mad Scientist (Rob Taylor in a bad wig). The Mad Scientist has created time travel and plans on taking over the world by going back to December 24th, stealing all of Santa's toys and "breeding with Mrs. Claus." There are other plans, but none explained as well as this one. Neil has a device to track the Mad Scientist through time.The film was more of a generic spoof of spy and science fiction films. The scenes appeared like they were all from different genres of films spliced together. A scene with goblin puppets with the leader sounding a bit like Churchill. There was a musical number. A locker room scene. Then there was the zeppelin scene where Neil is like Tom Cruise from "Mission Impossible." There was a lot of CG work. At times I thought about Buckaroo Banzai. Walter Koenig plays an old Russian fighting goblins.This is a cult film, not for everyone. Winner for best comedy at Oregon Independent Film Festival 2016, Best feature film actor and director at Studio City Film Festival, US 2016 .Guide: F-word.Locker room nudity
theshowbizscene I was lucky enough to see Neil Stryker and The Tyrant Of Timeat the Sci Fi London Film Festival which was held at the Stratford Picture House in London. and it was one of my favorite gems that the festival had to offer. It is a totally bonkers, but fun movie that is both insane and brilliant all at the same time. It also has one of the best cameos of a well known actor that I have seen.It is a film that has clearly a dedication of love as the film took many years to make but the end result makes the wait so well worth it. I just hope it does not take 10 years before we next see Neil Stryker.Go and see this movie you will love it.
wamwatcher Saw this on a big screen at Midwest Weirdfest. It is fun for what it is, a movie that took several years to make with no money. And the actress playing the Nurse said "There's Nudity!" ~ & Over-The-Top-Acting, which is my big gripe for the film. Regarding the acting, I thought the villain was too far over the top & our hero not far behind.They did one cool acting trick with Koenig & his "younger self" that caught me off guard, so I loved it. David Oden Stiers knew someone on set & lobbied to be in it...Another movie for the curious.
kjj-68183 While it is very obvious that the special effects are cheesy and the story had some major plot devices that just come out of left field, I can say this is movie is like an homage to every 80's action flick ever made. Actually it is better than most 80's action flicks... Anyway, my teenage daughter and I watched this movie and we could not stop laughing while becoming totally engrossed into the story. Near the end, my daughter turned to me and said, "How are they going to tie the story up? There's not enough time!" She didn't intend the pun, which made it even better. Regardless, they did leave the story open for another movie. So that leaves me with only one question: When is the sequel coming out? Please be soon!!!! Oh yeah, Walter Koenig is awesome in this!!!