Driven to Kill
Driven to Kill
R | 01 May 2009 (USA)
Driven to Kill Trailers

A former Russian mobster named Ruslan, who is now a crime novelist, returns home and discovers his daughter is marrying his arch nemesis. His past also comes back to haunt him when his family is threatened. Hungry for justice, Ruslan returns to the life he once knew...with a vengeance.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Your Mum As you would expect from a straight-to-DVD effort, there is little in Driven to Kill to lift it from the cesspit. There are however two factors that make this movie unintentionally hilarious:1. Segal does a Russian accent. It's terrible. And very, very funny. 2. Segal's character Ruslan is supposed to be a novelist. It's hard enough believing this meat-fisted lunk can read, let alone write, but Segal has been detached from reality for some time now.As pointed out by one of the previous reviewers, Segal's computer keyboard control is astonishing - and even more impressive than the death-by-gun-barrel-in-the-eye sequence.Is this enough to make the movie good? Hell no, it has Steven Segal in it for a start. But if you've got nothing (and I mean *nothing*) better to do for 90 minutes, this may just about fit the bill.
caleb-crosby If you are reading my review then you are probably on the ropes about vesting your hard earned time in this film, and I fully understand that there might be a few individuals who are not fans of Steven Seagal. I will try to be as unbiased as possible throughout this review.Without ruining the film for all the readers I figured that I would review only a portion of the movie.The climax of the film comes about within a gentlemen's club in which Seagal has a heart to heart with his son in law while getting a lap dance. This scene while heart warming quickly catches up to speed with perhaps the most intense knife fight ever recorded on film. Seagal dispatches all the henchman but really sends a message with one kill. Using only a switchblade knife Seagal stabs one man at least 50 times. Its totally awesome, and I am being conservative with the number 50. He is so quick I wasn't able to count the exact number of strikes.Simply put if you only get to watch one Seagal flick or one movie of any sort from this decade Driven to Kill is the one!!!
Scarecrow-88 This time Steven Seagal stars as Ruslin, a Russian novelist, with a criminal past, whose district attorney daughter, Lania(Laura Mennell), is getting married. Lania is to wed Stephan(Dmitry Chepovetsky), the son of a Russian gangster, Mikhail(Igor Jijikine), whose mob has a history with Ruslin. When hired thugs, masquerading as a catering service, kill Ruslin's ex-wife, Catherine(Inna Korobkina), and leave his daughter badly wounded, it is discovered that Mikhail had arranged the hit, worried for his well being considering he's a crime kingpin and all. Ruslin, also discovering that Catherine's new creep lawyer husband, Terry(Robert Wisden) was part of the despicable operation, will vow to get revenge on Mikhail and all those responsible for the pain and suffering caused. Another dud directed by Jeff King, frustrating in how the action scenes are filmed as if the camera man had epilepsy, with madman as an editor. This technique where the camera speed increases to move images forward faster, and how Seagal must be shot in an awkward fashion so that the stunt work will not be exposed really are starting to irritate me. While I enjoy seeing how fast Seagal's hands can move, it is aggravating trying to decipher what is going on during his many fight scenes because of how they are shot in such a mess of images, becoming a blur of movements without seeing hand to hand combat in a respectable form we can appreciate. I like to see, as an action fan, two combatants actually engaging in fisticuffs without the interruption of annoying camera angles either too close to those involved or having them so out of focus we can not make out heads or tails what exactly is going on. King's Kill Switch, also starring Seagal, is even worse than this one. Seagal toils with a Russian accent, but is all business as his Ruslin dedicates himself towards finding those who made the serious mistake of crossing him by attacking those he loves. Like Kill Switch, this is another exercise in guns firing rounds and rounds of ammunition with no one seemingly able to hit their targets, plenty of walls and other objects blasted apart instead. I will say that there are times where we actually see Seagal in frame working over scumbags, but King's style proves too difficult to even appreciate these moments in Driven to Kill. The climactic shootout takes place in a hospital, simply blown apart as Mikhail and his gun-toting goons exchange unfriendly fire with Ruslin, trying to find where Lania is stashed, while Stephan guards Terry who is chained to her bed.
bratschi8 First off- I am a shameless Seagal fan who owns a high percentage of his videos. Having said that, I know that he has made his share of clunkers lately, so my expectations weren't very high when I brought this home. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed this, and was impressed with the way the director shot most of the action sequences. I don't have a terribly wordy review for this DVD, but I will say this: the action is engaging throughout, and the knife fight is a must see! The ending scenes in the hospital/war zone were also well done, and Seagal finishes the bad guy in his trademark early '90s style. Better than a lot of his recent flicks, in my opinion, so check it out if you like Seagal and hard-action flicks.