The Crater Lake Monster
The Crater Lake Monster
PG | 01 March 1977 (USA)
The Crater Lake Monster Trailers

The heat of a meteor crashing into the lake incubates a prehistoric egg, which grows into a plesiosaur-like monster that terrifies the community.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
merklekranz It's difficult to make a case for recommending "The Crater Lake Monster", because while it is definitely not totally terrible, it has many, many problems. Let's break down some of the bad first. Because of the budget constraints the acting is a real mixed bag. The sheriff is sort of the cream of the crap. All females in the film are beyond bad, and often appear to be reading their script during filming. The two hillbillies take up way too much running time, and their act eventually wears out it's welcome. The story itself is disjointed, and continuity non existent, especially admiring the stars in the sky with noontime shadows and obvious bright daylight. The musical score is awful, and at times grating. Now for the good. The on location scenery is nicely photographed. The stop motion sequences are well done. The film is only 85 minutes. - MERK
Aaron1375 First off, this movie bears a striking resemblance to the Japanese film "Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds". I would suggest one of them ripped off the other, but both came out in 1977. They have nearly identical setups as a dinosaur is released thanks to strange disasters and it begins to feed on the locals. That one though did have a huge volcanic eruption at the end and a monster bird thrown in for fun, while this one has two guys that are in the film way too much. So the winner of who was the better film goes to the Japanese film. It took itself a bit too seriously, but this one spent a bit too much time on two characters that I suppose the filmmakers thought were a riot. I have read how bad this film is and when it started I was thinking, "this is not to bad." Two people were killed in quick succession in between the monster attacking a herd of cows so I did not think it was going to be a super great film, but at least it looked as if there would be plenty of action. Then the film focuses on this two losers with a boat renting place and it will show you scenes that seem to have no reason for being in the film.The story has a meteor crashing into a lake and this will warm the lake up enough to incubate a dinosaur egg. Time passes, though there was nothing to indicate this, and it gets big and begins chomping on the locals and the tourists. Sheriff knows somethings is wrong, but it is not until later that it all comes together for him. The plot was okay, had they done a better job of crafting the film and had more bloody kills this one could of been a classic. Unfortunately, there are huge stretches of nothing happening and a strange moment where a man robs a liquor store and shoots two people that almost seems to come from another movie.The thing that really drags this film down though is Arnie and his buddy as they chew up more scenery than the dinosaur chews up people. You will have to watch them have discussions, fight, and sit around drinking and then walking and not having any encounters with the dinosaur until the end where I gave the film one more point than I was when the dinosaur at least got a hold of one of these bozos. If they had focused on the dinosaur and had some more action this film would have been still bad, but more watchable. Watching two guys being portrayed as funny, but they are not...boring.So this film pretty much is your standard Jaws ripoff. The only thing that makes it stand out is the two buds and the strange inclusion of a robbery and chase. The film was pretty boring for the most part, but I will say it was rather bloody for a PG rated film as we even have a severed head thrown into it. Could have been good, if the makers of this film did not think those two idiots were super funny.
movieman_kev A meteor crashes into a lake which causes a dinosaur egg to hatch and before you can say Lock Ness, the baby Dino is chowing down on the local townspeople in this low-budget b-movie.This movie has almost everything that one wants from a dinosaur flick. Well except for a good storyline, believable characters, a credible or even passable dino, good special effects, and/or anything that'll keep you from falling asleep, but other than those things the movie is tops, What it does have is two knuckleheads that are painfully groan-inducingly unfunny, so there's that. Seriously though, don't waste your time.
Mark Honhorst ...and it is this film. I imagine that if indeed there is a negative afterlife, damned souls are tied to a rather uncomfortable couch and forced to watch this movie on a continuous loop for all eternity. Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but it is probably the worst film I have ever seen next to "Manos, the Hands of Fate"... and I have seen a lot of bad movies, believe you me. This is just a crummy B movie, bad film-making at it's finest(or is it worst?) The thing I really didn't like about this movie is the moronic duo they threw in for comedy relief. Now, a little comedy relief is a good thing, but most of the movie is focused on the adventures of these two morons, rather than on the "heroes" of this film, who are actually in it for less time than them! To be fair, Crown International really destroyed the movie by adding bad music and doing a poor job editing. But honestly, this was probably a bad film to begin with, so Crown really couldn't have done that much to hurt it. This really needs to be in the bottom 100 list. I wouldn't wish this one on my worst enemy. Actually, it's my kind of campy B movie. It was bad, but I still liked it, despite my one star rating.