| 18 January 2008 (USA)
Gutterballs Trailers

A brutally sadistic rape leads to a series of bizarre gory murders during a midnight disco bowl-a-rama at a popular bowling alley. One by one, players of two teams meet blood-drenched gruesome deaths at the hand of a black bowling-gloved masked killer. This alley runs red with blood by sunrise.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Dark_Lord_Mark This movie is pretty good. I see people who review claim the movie is misogynistic and amateurish and they are Liberal Feminists who do not know the difference between art and monkey crap.It has a nice dirty video look that is meant to imitate the 70's drive in theaters from the yesterdays. It is filmed with a nice unique style and the filters again imitates the 70's dirty film look. It actually has a good musical score.It's a movie that is about torture and men who act and portrays teen films from the 70's and 80's where men called each other names, had sex and committed crimes for the sake of revenge.It's rude, disgusting and entertainingly fun. I give this a must see.
Michael_Elliott Gutterballs (2008)** 1/2 (out of 4) A woman is brutally gang raped by four men. The next night those men, the woman and his other friends meet up at the same bowling alley and one by one people begin to get brutally murdered.GUTTERBALLS is a film I had never heard of before joining a few Facebook groups and it seems this title was popping up all over the place. Writer-director Ryan Nicholson wanted to make a throwback to the 80's slasher film and he certainly accomplished that and a whole lot more. I'm really not sure who to recommend this thing to because it's going to either offend most or it's just going to drive them crazy by annoying them. If you "get" the picture then I think you'll have a good time but viewer discretion is certainly advised before attempting to watch this thing.This is the type of film you really watch as a dare because, like I said, it's pretty brutal from start to finish. It's certainly not graphic like the recent trend of torture porn because the film is so over-the-top that you can't take it too serious. This includes all the characters who are downright stupid and annoying but I'm pretty sure this was done on purpose. The film is notorious for the death scenes and there's no doubt that there's some original and memorable scenes. If you've seen enough horror movies then you know it's hard to see something original but we get at least five original deaths here. Some are so downright crazy that you really have to see them to believe it. Needless to say, even Lucio Fulci would tip his hat.While this film will always be remembered and talked about for its gore, I think the strongest thing is the technical aspects. There's no doubt that director Nicholson does an extremely good job at telling the story and there's no question that he can handle a film. I'm not sure what the budget was but I'm sure it was low but the film still has a professional look to it. The most amazing thing is that the film really does look like it was filmed during the early 80's. A lot of filmmakers try to capture that "look" but most fail That's not the case here. There are some flaws with the picture including some of the performances, the annoying characters and I think the film runs too long but there's still no question that GUTTERBALLS is quite an original film in many ways and that makes it worth watching if you can stomach it.
FilmFatale Gutterballs is ABSOLUTELY NOT a movie for everyone. Heck, it's not a movie for most people. But in spite of its many flaws, I had a surprisingly good time with this sleazy little Canadian slasher throwback.Speaking of flaws, you can't help but notice that the acting is uniformly terrible. Some of the actors are merely wooden, while others chew scenery like demented termites on a meth bender. One of the "bad guys" seems to have based his performance on a ferret, while the main "really bad guy" - also known as Steve - says f**k every fifth word and overreacts to everything that happens to him. There are also many instances of homophobia and misogyny throughout the movie and I'd like to say that the filmmakers were trying to parody people who actually think that way but the cast wasn't really talented enough to pull it off. that the benefit of the doubt.Rape is also a constant motif (and motive) throughout the runtime. Obviously, Gutterballs is patterning itself after rape/revenge classics like I Spit on Your Grave and Last House on the Left, but the rape of Lisa that sets all of the events in play is extremely brutal, especially in a brightly lit digital print. Considering how there's a bit of a freewheeling, tongue in cheek vibe during most of this film, the initial rape sequence is even more jarring. The use of rape (or the threat of rape) during the "revenge" part of the action in an almost humorous way makes the going even stranger as the movie hurtles on.So, what's a nice girl like me doing rating a movie like Gutterballs a 7 on the IMDb scale? Well..I had fun with it, that's why. Gutterballs is so over the top that I could have chosen to be outraged or I could have just gone along for the ride. I took the ride, and I really wanted those jerks to get what was coming to them for what they did to Lisa. I also enjoyed the way that things went awry (understatement) because if one was to execute a real-life revenge plan, it would probably have its share of hiccups and that's what happens here. And finally, I loved the gore! I'm a gorehound from way back and although there's not much acting talent on display, the effects are top notch. I was even treated to a kill or two that I had never seen before, so bonus points for that, Mr. Nicholson and crew.Would I *recommend* Gutterballs to anyone? Of course not! People already think I'm weird enough. I'm just saying that, for the right kind of person in the right kind of mood, Gutterballs is one hell of a fun little journey with plenty of nods to slasher and exploitation classics to enjoy along the way.
yaktheripper "Gutterballs" looks and feels like an 80's slasher movie and that works BIG time in it's favor. It is indeed a slasher film but more specifically it's a high energy tale of revenge. After a truly brutal rape in the first act, a group of teens revisit the bowling alley where the rape occurred and the bodies soon begin mounting up. Each death is gory and often sexually cruel and cringe worthy. The gore factor is high, the deaths explicit and genitalia is often exposed to terrible consequences. Ryan Nicholson who also directed "Hanger" (not quite as polished production wise) spins an 80's time warp aura to fantastic effect. The cast is almost infected with obnoxious high strung energy. It is hard to find sympathy or compassion for any of them and as odd as it sounds, works in favor of the movie. Often times you have nothing invested emotionally in slasher movie characters but this movie edges you toward hoping they die a gruesome death, which beats not really caring either way. The main protagonist Marcus, played by Alastair Gamble, might be the angriest, snottiest, meanest SOB to ever grace the screen. This kid nails the anti-social,dirt-bag,alpha male. He's like a caricature of the bully on a steroid spree. His supporting cronies Wade Gibb, who was a hilarious stereotype in "Hanger" and Nathan Dashwood, who played the lead in "Hanger", are fantastic in their rage filled bad guy roles as well. Great flick. Borderline pornographic scenes, lots of blood, guts, and revenge...keep out of reach of kids!
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