Live Feed
Live Feed
R | 26 September 2006 (USA)
Live Feed Trailers

Five young adults are about to find themselves in a fight for their lives, pitted against evil itself! While on vacation in a foreign city, one of the five makes a seemingly innocent albeit ignorant mistake and soon all of them will realize the cost of such an inconsequential action. A stranger appears to help them, but is this too little, too late?

Micitype Pretty Good
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
SGhost Okay, I'm at the store and got to pick a horror movie real quick. I discover "Live Feed" and thinks that it can be fun. But I was dead wrong.First of all, the introduction is promising with great atmosphere and it sets the mood right. That's the first 7 minutes, because suddenly it's a laughable excuse for a horror movie. The actors are by far the worst I have ever seen on film, their expressions did not at all match what was going on and they were so awkward to watch that THAT'S what the real horror was!The plot is sickeningly standard, you already know what it is. It's about stupid teens travelling and getting locked in a hotel.SFX weren't anything to write home about, considering this is extremely low budge, BUT in the beginning this actually works. What happened? In the beginning it actually felt like a horror movie, but when those treasured minutes were gone it just became hilariously bad, so bad that this is number 1 on my crap-list. Never come anywhere near this movie, you'll just waste you and your friends time.0/10
Master Cultist When a movie is billed as 'a bit like Hostel' you have to be concerned that it might be 'a bit like watching paint dry' and, in truth, this is precisely that for the first 40 minutes or so. The first half of the 'movie' - seriously folks, I use that term in the loosest possible sense - is essentially a soft core adult flick spliced together with some 'plot' relevant scenes involving Our Heroes exploring China. Well, I say exploring China, what I mean is going to a market and planning to visit a strip joint. And being loud. And drunk. And obnoxious. And utterly vile and, ultimately, utterly, utterly deserving of death. Well, as luck would have it, they find their sought after den of iniquity, which happens to be some odd kind of hotel where you go to have sex with a person you are already with. Bit odd. Anyway, it turns out the proprietors aren't exactly high on moral fibre. Instead, they imprison the ne'erdowells, tie them up and start to butcher them. That's it. Utterly lacking in style or soul, this nevertheless accomplishes precisely what it sets out to do: to debase, to defame, to degrade and cheapen the stock of humanity. Seriously, just when you thought human beings could sink no lower, we go and make a movie like this. Whilst never having any intention to watch this movie again, I still have to commend them for being nothing short of repulsive. Good horror is all about the atmosphere, and this has none. In it's place is tasteless sex, gore and violence. With a sinking heart I have the feeling that this kind of 'realism' is going to become the norm, though here's hoping enough true horror fans remain to demand at least a semblance of effort and concept. Gruelly and offensive, approach this at your peril.
ameswife This has to be the WORST movie ever!!! The acting is scarier than the movie. Lots of blood, but no idea where it comes from, cuz they don't even show you the cuts. I can't believe I wasted my time watching this movie. We laughed like we were watching a comedy and not a horror movie. This is a disgrace to horror films!!! For one if they are in Asia why is there a white cop driving past Waste Management trash cans?! There's so much of another language that you don't even know what's going on half the time. The film editing is a joke, my teenager could do better. And if I went to a movie theater and that nasty old man was working the window that would be the first clue. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! NOT TO EVEN SEE HOW BAD IT IS, YOU WILL BE SORRY YOU DID!!
DVD_Connoisseur "Live Feed" is one of the few films I've struggled to view to the very end. The production is amateurish in the extreme and the pace is the most torturous element of the whole affair.While there are moments of inspiration during the uneven proceedings, the lack of any genuine suspense or convincing bloodshed leaves the viewer wondering why they bothered watching this title in the first place.The electronic score is awful and the performances from most of the cast are just not up to scratch.I love independent horror movies but this one just fails to cut the proverbial mustard.3 out of 10.