The Night Watchmen
The Night Watchmen
| 04 March 2017 (USA)
The Night Watchmen Trailers

Three inept night watchmen, aided by a young rookie and a fearless tabloid journalist, fight an epic battle to save their lives. A mistaken warehouse delivery unleashes a horde of hungry vampires, and these unlikely heroes must not only save themselves but also stop the scourge that threatens to take over the city of Baltimore.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
homecoming8 After having seen a couple of bad low budget horror films, I wasn't expecting much here but was pleasantly surprised. Yet another zombie horror/comedy in the tradition of classics like "Return of the Living Dead" and "Shaun of the Dead". We've seen quite a few of those in the last years but most aren't even worth watching. "Night Watchmen" is certainly not in the same league as the titles mentioned below but this low budget version has a lot to offer. Besides James Remar (48 Hrs, Dexter) the cast is unknown but the leading characters are believable and funny at the same time. Well written funny dialogue. The mixture of gore and comedy is well done with a couple of hilarious scenes. If you don't like films like "Return of the living Dead" than you shouldn't even bother. Otherwise, worth checking out. Wouldn't mind a sequel..
Red-Barracuda The comedy-horror sub-genre is quite a hard one to execute successfully, usually the comedy lessens the horror or vice-versa and the film winds up being neither one thing nor the other. The Night Watchmen is another in this line of movies but it is definitely one which succeeds better than most. Set in an office building in Baltimore, a coffin containing the body of a famous clown who died while on tour in Romania is wrongly left on the premises. Before long, the corpse is revealed as a powerful vampire and soon many people fall victim to both him and his minions. Its left to the inept security guards to save the day.There's no question that this one works much better as a comedy than as a horror. Which kind of explains why it begins very strongly but fades a bit in the second half. The reason being that, as is often the way in these types of movies, the action ramps up in the latter half with more emphasis on the horror elements. But it was the character interactions that impressed me most, with a lot of good comic acting from the cast and a lot of funny dialogue. Much of the humour is genuinely laugh-out-loud, even if they did overplay the fart joke somewhat! The cast work very well together and understand the comic material very well, there are no name actors here except for James Remar of Warriors (1979) fame, who plays a slightly sleazy office worker. From the horror side of the fence this one has zombie-like vampires and an evil clown, so it's a bit of a selection box. It does ultimately boil down to a group of people trapped in a building fighting back against hordes of monsters which isn't the most interesting or original set-up, however, I would say that this one is still well worth catching on account of its comic interplay and sense of mischief.
braden0732 Came in with low expectations and was very pleased by the time the credits rolled. The writing was pretty good and they made the best movie they could have given the budget they were working with. The gore was well executed and the SFX teams did a fantastic job.I don't think I've ever watched a low budget movie like this and been so blown away by the editing and sound crews. Honestly, the sound crew and gaffers knocked it out of the park. The editing crew also made their cuts perfectly and there are no lingering nonsense shots. Everything was tight and cohesive. If you are a fan of the horror comedy genre, this is an absolute "must see" of a film and I guarantee you will have a few laugh out loud moments.
scott_dunning This movie had a real 80's vibe about it (especially the music) and reminded me of movies like "Vamp", "Return of the living dead" and "Demons". It's definitely not an A-grade blockbuster and the special effects are OK at best but it was still a bit of fun. The acting was not terrible, I've seen a lot worse. I was super surprised to see James Remar in this movie, especially the role he played. Most of the actors playing the vamps did a fairly decent job and were believable. It's not going to win any awards but if you're sitting at home wanting to waste an hour and a half you could do a lot worse. Cheers :-)