The Void
The Void
NR | 07 April 2017 (USA)
The Void Trailers

In the middle of a routine patrol, officer Daniel Carter happens upon a blood-soaked figure limping down a deserted stretch of road. He rushes the young man to a nearby rural hospital staffed by a skeleton crew, only to discover that patients and personnel are transforming into something inhuman. As the horror intensifies, Carter leads the other survivors on a hellish voyage into the subterranean depths of the hospital in a desperate bid to end the nightmare before it's too late.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Paynebyname I read some reviews and hype that said this felt like a Carpenter film because of the stranded and surrounded element. Maybe in one or two shots but Carpenters film properly set up the reason for being surrounded, this film didn't.It kinda wanted to be a Carpenter film but then wanted to be like Hellraiser but descended into silliness and an over reliance on makeup, rubber masks and self important mumbo jumbo.The script had little or no clarity, the acting was bordering on the embarrasing and the writing...well pretty lame.I bought this blind on the hope that I might land myself a little gem but I just got a film that I wish I hadn't bought.
AnimalMother84 Nothing short of classic horror film-making here. It could have neatly fit into John Carpenter's apocalyptic films, specifically Prince of Darkness to which it seems a spiritual sequel of sorts. It kicks off a disturbing scenario from the first minute and plummets straight into nightmarish soon enough. I haven't seen this kind of enjoyable and well made practical effects since the 80's The Thing, or perhaps as late as Species. No glaring and cheesy CGI is to be seen. What there is of CGI budget is all splurged on gorgeous otherwordly scenes. The main set has the lovely dichotomy you would find in a classy Silent Hill hospital, with juicy decorations from Clive Barker's Hellraiser. The people who made this clearly knew what they were doing.Tired of teen splatter films? Seen one ghost movie too many? Do jumpscares make you groan and roll your eyes? Try this. You won't be disappointed.
lordcorneliusplum This is a Horror B-movie. Most critiques of this film concern its lack of plot, character development, easy to follow backstory, "story arc", explanatory dialogue and witty script. This is a Horror B-movie, in all its surrealistic glory. Sure, things aren't explained patiently to the audience like a gore splattered kindergarten teacher, there is no emotional ride, the characters are wooden (although the acting is fine) and the special effects are of the latex and syrup variety. These are pluses.This is a Horror B-movie. it has mad doctors, monsters, medical experiments gone wrong, cultists, Lovecraftian dimensional portals, mutated babies, gore, eyeball violence, shotgun vs Fulci-esque zombies (sort of), trippy bits and ends with a giant pyramid. And you are bothered that the relationship between the cop and his wife isn't developed enough ? This is a Horror B-movie. its a homage (french for rip-off) to lots of classic horror - Carpenter, especially, but also Stuart Gordon, Fulci, Phantasm, Hellraiser, ect ect. Originality can be so overrated. Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards.
jellopuke Awesome practical effects and very good production design. There are some great visuals and gross out scenes, along with a fitting soundtrack and solid lighting. Where the movie loses it a little for me is in the script and acting. Clunky exposition, thin characters, acting that's not quite there... it all makes the whole fall flatter than it should with such amazing technical work.