The Void
The Void
NR | 07 April 2017 (USA)
The Void Trailers

In the middle of a routine patrol, officer Daniel Carter happens upon a blood-soaked figure limping down a deserted stretch of road. He rushes the young man to a nearby rural hospital staffed by a skeleton crew, only to discover that patients and personnel are transforming into something inhuman. As the horror intensifies, Carter leads the other survivors on a hellish voyage into the subterranean depths of the hospital in a desperate bid to end the nightmare before it's too late.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
tinhorse Started out halfway desent, but went off the rails really quickly.... I just wanted it to be over, and some subplots never went anywhere... Worst thing about the movie, the monsters were throw together in a hodgepodge of parts, they tried to be clever on a few plot twist, that were generic, really lame lines delivered by the characters. What was up with the characters randomly having delusional views of reality around them was never explained.. And why did the nurse turn homicidal early on in the film, never made sense... And the actual void in the movie never made sense, and what happened to all the followers I'm the end of the movie, they just disappeared!!!!
anselmdaniel This review contains spoilers.The Void is a low budget horror movie with Lovecraftian themes. The story follows a sheriff that discovers a wounded man. The two drive to the local hospital but then discover a mysterious cult surrounds them. The sheriff along with the hospital's patients, nurses, and doctors desperately try to survive against the cosmic horror before them.The Void is an excellent movie with Lovecraftian themes. it is a movie that has a low budget but executes its story and themes well. Audiences should be warned that the story does become wild and strange. This feeds into the theme of cosmic horror well as many horrific occurrences are not explained and not understood. The audience only understands as much as the main characters do and even this is open to the character's dwindling sanity as the horror envelops them. I liked all of the characters and they are well written. The story has enough twists to keep it engaging and to keep the audience guessing.The budget of the movie low. This is evident in most of the movie taking place in one location with confined spaces. This does work to the benefit of the movie as it contributes to the claustrophobic atmosphere of the movie. The monsters in this movie are not well realized. The monsters are shown too much on the screen where they lose their weight. With the low budget it can be easy to pick apart messy details on the monsters. The monsters do look horrific at first but become static as the screen time goes on.The actors and actresses did a good job in this movie. The only complaint I have is the lack of range. Most of the characters are reacting to horror. The actors and actresses were fine for this purpose but were not fully tested. Likewise, the dialogue was well written.There are some story problems. Since, the movie does not explain actions, some events are open to interpretation. Once it is revealed that the hospital's doctor was behind the events, some of the plot does not make much sense. The doctor was able to reincarnate and serve his eldritch god. He also wanted to bring back his daughter. it seemed as if he could have killed the other characters before the movie started or even have caused character deaths to aid in his plans. This is still open to interpretation and I am glad the movie ended the way it did.I highly recommend The Void. It is a movie with heavy Lovecraftian inspiration. The movie is a must watch for any fan of Lovecraft.
alpacas-29085 For a start, where was the flashing lights warning?! Just don't waste your time. There are so many more films out there. How on Earth did this manage to get any positive views at all let alone a lot!? It was terrible! The acting was horrible, the story was pathetically vague. The characters had nothing about them to make you care whether they lived of died, The 'special effects' were bad, just so bad. The Thing and The Fly had better effects and this was made in 2016?! i guess they were trying to go for some sort of shock effect with how edgy and gory and shocking their 'creatures' were. Yeeeah, it didn't work. Also when you are shooting something to try and save the fricken world and your lives, Don't STOP shooting! Makes no sense.
seanpatrick-36000 I'm floored by the poor reception this movie got. It's a loving throwback to horror classics with modern polish, clearly influenced by HP Lovecraft and body horror classics like Hellraiser and The Thing. If you like "classic" horror - i.e., horror before CGI and jump scares replaced practical effects and slow dread - you owe it to yourself to watch this movie.It does drag a little bit at the end, but the opening and middle are fantastic. I would have given this movie a 10/10 if the denouement had been done more efficiently. But honestly, it's very watchable right up to the credits.This movie has some of the best damn body horror I have EVER seen, period. I don't know how much of it was accomplished by practical effects, but it does seem like a lot. The acting is mostly good, and the pacing, while slower than most modern horror movies, is brisk enough that I didn't get bored. I really wish horror movies like this were still getting made.