The Boy
The Boy
| 14 August 2015 (USA)
The Boy Trailers

An intimate portrait of a 9 year old sociopath as he discovers his taste for killing.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Chase_Bot To start off, I want to say that Jared Breeze performed AMAZING in the movie. I can really sense and feel Ted's loneliness through the his eyes. I really want to enter the movie and befriend him. It was so agonizing to witness a child grow up in such an isolated and deserted place. If I was Ted, I would literally stomp right out of that motel and never come back.You can also see that Ted does so much, only for one purpose: To find his mother who has apparently left with a 'trucker' years ago to Florida (which I'm fairly certain the trucker is actually 'William Colby' - played by Rainn Wilson).Ted's father, John Henley (David Morse) tries to care for his son, but I guess he's too depressed to do so, leaving Ted to wonder off on his own every day. The thing I don't get is there's literally only him and his son Ted in that deserted motel, with occasional customers. John also mentioned that he knows Ted gets very lonely in the motel and that he has no friends. So why does John not spend more time with his son? Is he THAT depressed to the point where he just sits in the motel all day and do nothing, EVERYDAY?It was just something that I felt I had to get off my chest when I was watching the movie. COME ON JOHN, YOUR SON NEEDS YOU. Why're you still sitting on the couch?!The scene where the bunch of prom teens bullied Ted was also pretty brutal. I felt SO sad for Ted, like really sad. Screw those teens... BUT the worse part was when Ted went to seek his dad for comfort, and John just reprimanded Ted for not leaving the customers alone.JOHN, YOUR SON JUST GOT BEATEN UP, SHOW HIM SOME LOVE. OH NO YOU JUST HAD TO SCOLD HIM. YOU HAD TO, DIDN'T YOU?To conclude, this movie was AMAZING. The cast performed great and contrary to many who say the pace of this movie was too slow, I felt that it was necessary. It was necessary for the audience to witness truly how lonely and boring life was for Ted - which will then allow them to understand why Ted was so eager to leave the motel and look for his mom.This movie definitely won't make you feel happy and I'm pretty sure it wasn't made to. But this movie was able to evoke many emotions from me, which I think is what makes a movie successful. A good movie doesn't always have happy endings or make audiences happy.I'm no great movie reviewer or critic, all these are just my thoughts after watching the movie. People have described this as a horror, but I agree with Rainn Wilson's description, in the special features. It is a psychological drama and a character study. It looks at the effects of loneliness and isolation on a disparate father and his nine year old son (the boy of the title). The story is an acute observation of what can happen to a family when it loses its gravitational centre, and then loses its footing. The setting is a remote and deserted Motel, much like the one in Baghdad Café or Tender Mercies. Unlike the former, there is no fuel here to be ignited by a spark of magic. Unlike the latter, there is no redemption for the lost soul. There is just pervading flatness, and a sense of tumbleweed. The quality and leanness of the writing and acting draw you along with morbid fascination
Flow I gave it 5 stars, I would have went for 6 but if I consider it a horror, it has way too little to offer.The plot is smarter than I thought, has a deep level, it surely takes its time with us, but it goes there and it concludes the story in a good way. The acting was OK, not so great coming from the kid but the rest of the cast was class A. Of course the motel part, well that is more of an American thing right there, cause it's hard for others to see how that could work or be for real. You'll see what I'm talking about once you see the movie.Other aspects? Well it sure has its disturbing moments, the building towards the climax is well done, the ending is satisfying. But I would always recommend |The Good Son over this.Cheers!
ronster100 The Boy follows the evolution - or the beginning of it - of a young boy from troubled son of a failed motel manager, to budding serial killer. Cinematography and music score are simply outstanding, as are the performances by the whole cast, and the film carries a tremendous atmosphere of brooding menace, whilst simultaneously capturing the carefree curiosity - and cruelty - of a lonely child. I am saddened, but not surprised, by the lazy, idiotic reviews given by some people on this site - just so you know guys, this is how stories are supposed to be told, unfolding naturally to a great climax rather than throwing five murders into the first few minutes and then having absolutely nothing else to say for the next ninety... and all shot on "found footage", blah blah blah. True kudos to the director; this is a terrific calling card from a real filmmaker that will hopefully start a great career.