Unlawful Entry
Unlawful Entry
R | 26 June 1992 (USA)
Unlawful Entry Trailers

After a break-in at their house, a couple gets help from one of the cops who answered their call. He helps them install a security system, begins dropping by on short notice and unofficial patrol angling to pry into the couple's problems with the wife. The husband begins wondering if they're getting too much help.

Wordiezett So much average
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
andrearhodes-13133 A couple are rudely awakened in the middle of the night by an intruder. The next day two police officers come to check on them and file a complaint. One of them- played slyly by an in-form Ray Liotta develops a fixation on the wife. This fixation leads to everything from stalking to murder and death. Unlawful Entry is a decent early 90s psychological thriller starring Kurt Russell and Madeline Stowe as the bothered couple with the aforementioned Ray Liotta playing the perfect sociopathic creep that makes life hell for them. For Liotta's fine turn this movie is a recommendation.
adonis98-743-186503 After a break-in at their house, a couple gets help from one of the cops that answered their call. He helps them install the security system, and begins dropping by on short notice and unofficial patrol, and spends a lot of time discussing the couple's problems with the wife. The husband begins wondering if they're getting too much help. Unlawful Entry benefits from Ray Liotta's, Kurt Russell's and Madeline Stowe's perfomances but for those who might expect a little bit more? It's kind of a disappointing and watchable messy thriller because the film i think could have been better if Liotta didn't started turning crazy but whatever still watchable 90's film. (6/10)
SnoopyStyle Michael (Kurt Russell) and Karen Carr (Madeleine Stowe) live in a Californian suburb. An intruder gets into the house and holds Karen at knife point temporarily before escaping. Officers Pete Davis (Ray Liotta) and Roy Cole (Roger E. Mosley) arrive to check on the incident. Pete is obsessed with Karen as his volatile character becomes increasingly destructive.This is one of those psychological thrillers where the madness can be seen from miles away and the movie plows directly into it refusing to stop until the last frame of film. Ray Liotta always has that great dangerous madness just beneath the surface. Kurt Russell does a perfectly good everyman and Madeleine Stowe is a solid victim. This is a simple thriller with desperate intensity.
Tom Willett (yonhope) The basic idea of this movie is very interesting. It is a "what if" that is believable. The cast is good and the cat is doing his or her best in a kitty bit.This movie would have been much better without breast shots. The film needed Alfred Hitchcock and Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day and maybe Jack Palance. Kurt Russell is no slouch, but he takes it too seriously. Just because someone is trying to maybe kill your wife or take her from you or maybe he is a bit off center, is that any reason to get so angry? Things that date a movie are scenes with any computer or phone or naked bosoms. Women wear blouses now. The opening title sequence is well done. The photography is quite good throughout the film. The music is OK, but a real Hitchcock orchestration would have helped. Unchained Melody would have worked in many parts of this production. High Noon Theme or Dragnet Theme in places. Not those songs but something new with that feel.Since the movie was in color I think the cat should have been black and white. Also the cat should have had a good name that could have been the name of the movie, like Hondo or Lassie or Flicka or Danger Puss. Something like that.