Hellraiser: Revelations
Hellraiser: Revelations
R | 18 October 2011 (USA)
Hellraiser: Revelations Trailers

Two friends in Mexico discover the Lament Configuration and unleash Pinhead, but one decides to try to survive by swapping himself with someone else. Once they go missing, family members go in search of them, but find Pinhead instead.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
somerset1971 I don't review often but I took the time to watch this as I've been on a bit of a Clive Barker reading marathon recently. I had heard this film was bad but watched it anyway. The plot was pretty simple, you know what's going to happen within the first 20 minutes or so. The acting was what you would expect from a Bmovie. The thing that really killed it for me was Pinhead. If you were a fan of Doug Bradley...or even thought he did an OK job you will be sooooooo disappointed. I wouldn't even recommend this movie to play in the background while you're vacuuming the living room carpet.
Realrockerhalloween The final film to end the suffering of this franchise and surprisingly doesn't disappoint.Two friends head to Mexico to find forbidden pleasure and happen upon the box with disastrous consequences ensure. One year later their families hope for their return and have father for a quite evening at home. Now one has come home after escaping his hellish prison bringing his tormentors in toe.What I enjoyed enjoyed about revelations was dogging into its roots by actually Pinhead a crucial character once again and showing the nightmarish world inside & out of the box. I wish Doug Bradley hadn't wasted his talent on inferior sequels and had stuck around for one more round about, but Collins wasn't to bad.The effects were very realistic and frightening. It felt like I was seeing real blood splatter and flesh being ripped by the cursed chains.It being a back the sexy vibe, dark secrets revealed and has a shocking ending you'll never see coming.Revelations was the sequel you've been waiting four after the phenomenal first four.
Larry A. Tilander After dragging the franchise everywhere on Earth and even off it for one flick Revelations brought the series back to its roots and reminds me of the first two, but with better acting over all. I didn't like that Doug Bradley didn't play Pinhead, but that was his choice and he missed a good opportunity. If he had been there it would have been perfect.I'm not sure where the title came from as not much is revealed to us in this film. I have always like in this series that nothing is taboo and this film did not let me down in that. I do hope that Doug gets back on board if they make anymore Hellraiser films. Nobody can do it as well.
venusboys3 After reading some of the comments here I had a thin hope that there might be some redeeming quality to this movie... but no such luck. Really, it's just a bad movie with an awful script... made so the folks who own the rights to the franchise can hold on to it. It does nothing new and merely rehashes the various Hellraiser tropes and visuals. The main villain is a spoiled teenage brat who is mad at his parents... boo hoo. No one in this thing is sympathetic or scary or funny or anything... just actors reciting regrettable lines. It doesn't bother me that Doug Bradley isn't in it... but it does bother me that none of the characters, Cenobite or not, is given anything interesting to do or say. It's a pile of crap, don't bother watching it because it wasn't made to be watched.