Pastor Shepherd
Pastor Shepherd
| 16 April 2010 (USA)
Pastor Shepherd Trailers

The tale of a down-on-his-luck freeze-dried-pet-salesman and his journey to become the first-ever-cyber-evangelist.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
sjackson-65415 Pastor Shepherd is a well loved figure on his Prayer Hour. To see how he has come to reality is a terrific story of how some strange evangelists end up in the "business"I truly believe Pastor Shepherd is as qualified as any TV dude who is trying to raise funds for the cause!!!! The question is, whose cause.Watch it for what it is intended. Clearing the brain and soul of all the goofed up statements you hear and look to the innocence of the true Gospel. Thank you Pastor Shepherd, you are my checks and balances system for bad theology. We love you.....
kosmasp The movie does have a bit of an underdog, independent movie feel. But it never really captures too much on it. The main actor is doing a very fine job indeed and never really fails in portraying an awkward character, that should be more despicable than likable. Which makes it almost too hard to believe so many people actually invest (trust) him to do anything (and it proves more often than not they shouldn't have).Comedy is a broad word/term and not every movie that sets out to make one really does succeed satisfyingly in trying. And while I do admire anyone trying to make something worthwhile and fun to watch, I do hope that people will focus on more than a few cheap jokes in general (and when some of them fail to deliver it gets worse). Story is as simple as our hero is simple minded. You might find it's little created world a bit more appealing than others, generally speaking this could have used a bit more "spark"
gregsaysagain Pastor Shepherd has shown us a very dark but very real side of religion that sometimes even the true believers can't see. Giving money and resources to help those in need is truly a great to build egos and personal dreams is quite another. Great lesson, awesome humor, Funny, funny, funny!!! Watch this movie and you'll see what I'm talking about. Crazy good stuff. Danny Trejo is perfect in it, too. Loved the boss and Danny's daughter. And, I want one of those cool hearses. Can't wait to see more from this guy. He has a YouTube channel that is crazy and ridiculous stuff, but funny and all too true. I give him a 10!
ccfblue Good character development with lots of laughs. Plot keeps you guessing. Dewey was a hoot. Maria Elena is a up and coming actress that stole the show. As for Pastor Shepherd, what can I say. I am a big fan of his website and you tube episodes. He does not disappoint in the movie. I laughed so hard when they had to take Pastor Shepherd's mom to the hospital in a ATV. I still can't believe they were able to get a couch in a hearse. Not all laughs, there were some tender moments too. Pastor Shepherd also takes aim at the television evangelists that fleece homebound persons who can't attend church. The movie handles the subject with respect and does not demean the industry as a whole. The movie did a good job getting the point across. Good movie! Can't wait for the sequel.