3-Headed Shark Attack
3-Headed Shark Attack
| 20 July 2015 (USA)
3-Headed Shark Attack Trailers

The world’s greatest killing machine is three times as deadly when a mutated shark threatens a cruise ship. As the shark eats its way from one end of the ship to the next, the passengers fight the deadly predator using anything they can find.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
manishsharma-70195 This movie is so awfully awesome that i promise you if you are gonna watch it with your friends you will really love it. I think it's better if i don't give any spoiler ahead. Believe me you won't be able to predict any thing in the movie. The shark gets killed in the most awesome way and i bet you won't be able to predict it. Guess what the shark eats it's head out and dies.Yeah you heard it right. This movie has really solved the quest regarding how to be safe from shark. The safest place is sea itself. Even if you are on the land get yourself in the water if you see a shark. Spoiler ahead ! to really understand this movie you must know something about quantum mechanics ,Yeah they have used it. Sorry for the spoiler even if i promised not to tell anything.
Pat Berg This is the perfect bad movie. Horrible plot worse acting .I love this. Watch in groups for a perfect drinking game who dies next.My favorite line professor" the shark is chasing the pollution from larger boat", girl on her first day stunningly giving orders " what do you mean" professor " it's making the shark insane" girl "oh no". That's it that's actual dialogue.later in movie while the shark is a large (for some reason paddle wheel) metal boat they all start screaming for life boats. Later while in a boat with they talk about about where to got to be safe the girl who is now in charge says go to this island I saw earlier today it's to only land around its are only chance, but, while she is saying this in back of her you see land covered in trees no more 200 yards away through the whole scene. This could have the been the first movie directed by a blind person if so sorry for harsh review but dude make more movies soon. Way more stuff in this awesome movie to enjoy. Look I do not want to rip someone else's review but, if anyone thought this was going to be , insert your favorite movie here, you should seek help. Two more things 1. The shark gains three heads 2. There unfortunately will be people who believe that this is real or this could happen. Junk science is evil, hopefully this film won't win a Nobel prize for science.
Seth_Rogue_One Not really, but did anyone think it was gonna be? The predecessor: "2 Headed Shark Atttack" was nothing short of a masterpiece.Who knew that a shark with 2 heads could inflict such fright in it's viewer? Steven Spielberg didn't for instance if he did he would have made Jaws have 2 heads instead of just one With 3 heads involved you imagine the fright to be even greater, but such is not the case.Not terrible by any means and a above average when it comes to Asylum-movies and most of the cast actually made an attempt at acting which is nice to see, in many Asylum-movies they can't be bothered.If you like 'so bad it's good' type of movies then yeah you can do worse than this for sure.Just don't expect the laughters and cries you experienced from watching '2 Headed Shark Attack'. A movie that in many minds were robbed off plenty of Academy Awards the year of it's release.
khushpreetsarnobat Some of those movies are entertaining, this one is not. Bad acting (including Danny Trejo, watch his face during the boat ride), stupid behavior of all people (yes, make sure you're next after you've seen other people fall into the water), bad editing, of course I don't have to talk about a script or a story and the way the shark gets killed at the end (oh, did I reveal too much?) - ridiculous.I was often wondering where the money is coming from and who gives green light to make movies like that. Look what some kids with some decent home equipment can put together on YouTube. Let them make movies.Waste of time unless you want to joke around how bad it is.
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