Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!
Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!
| 22 July 2015 (USA)
Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! Trailers

The sharks take bite out of the East Coast when the sharknado hits Washington, D.C. and Orlando, Florida.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
GazerRise Fantastic!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
christosyr This is the worst film I have ever try to watch! I don't even want finished it.
A Tara looks much healthier now than in Sharknado 1.Subway advert :) Seems more appropriate to be in Sharknado now that ever.Huge arms on that operator.Hey there secret service Rick Fox.Just think, 2 movies ago he was running a surf shack.Hulk! Dyson Animal Are Mavericks or Wizards fans upset? The President would not be allowed to handle grenades.Sharks are again made of pudding.Fin jumped WAY too early.I see a romance brewing with the VP and Bro-in-Law.He's driving into The Mist.Imagine that actor's credit.. blood gulping land shark victim.... He was on screen for 5 seconds. Take that out of his 15 minutes of fame.At this point the most well known thing to come out of Beverly Hills 90210 may be the Sharknado franchise. Did I really say that? Meteorology! Malcom is once again in the middle.Go on into the military base without any visual check.That's a military base! It's a few scattered tents with a chain fence! Insert 10 seconds of emotion... Punch it! "For people who WANT" to get away from the Sharknado?! Who WANTS to be near it? Roker fail.Mars mohawk dude!!! An astronaut suit with the sam echo football shoulder pads I used in a Halloween costume when I was 6.This franchise keeps rolling right bad ludicrous and on towards insane."I'm a bad ass. How do you do"... Those are real lyrics.That was an extremely forceful "helmets on" command.Now you're just throwing poop? Mascara anti-shark shotgun? That countdown absolutely has inconsistent pauses between numbers.Hasselhoff is really going all in on the rock yourself in the chair acting.Duct tape covering the fake rivets on the phony satellite.This franchise has to be the largest employer of extras in history.I just can't describe this reentry. Utter nonsense.Ian must occasionally stop during filming and think... I'm 52.He just floated to the moon?! There is a 4th Sharknado coming?! And a 5th!? What can they possibly do next? Sharknado Planet?
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, with a hand on heart, then I should say that "Sharknado" is one of those guilty pleasure trips that most of us have, but don't fully acknowledge. These movies are so bad that they are actually fun to watch.However, it should be said that if you have seen the first "Sharknado" movie and/or the second movie, then you have essentially already also seen "Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!". Yep, this third installment in the series uses the same recipe from the previous two movies and offers very little in terms of improvement or new ideas.The trouble with sharknadoes seem to follow Fin around like a bad case of the flu. So by now, why doesn't he just stay indoors in a place where there is absolutely no chance of tornadoes forming...You know exactly what you are getting when you sit down to watch "Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!", so there is nothing to surprise you here. And with that being said, then it should also be said that "Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!" delivers what it is supposed to.The cast, both new and returning from the previous two, did good enough jobs with their given roles and characters. And it was somewhat of a surreal experience to witness Davis Hasselhoff in this movie and in this particular role.And for something new, then think what if sharks could be in outer space? Wouldn't that be awesome? Well, just wait and see..."Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!" follows in the footsteps of the previous two movies, for good or bad.
gramparsonsblackula I'm a fan of bad movies, the kind you'll find being made fun of on MST3K. This is a different kettle of fish. Maybe i'm too cynical, and i'm also not a fan of reality TV and celeb culture, but this is the lowest base "entertainment" you'll find next to Big Brother or Geordie Shore. If you're fond of countless cameos by z-list celebrities and hour long adverts for Universal Studios and Subway, this is your film. It's pretty pointless to tear into the bad acting, story, script, etc, because that's what the makers of this were going for. It's a cheap film, made for people who browse on their phones while its on. A reflection of the sad times we live in. If, and i hope this counts for most of you, you're sick of the lazy, mediocre films being shovelled out by Hollywood (i'm looking at you Transformers 4, Furious 7, Jurassic World) then skip this, maybe send a message to the production companies that we'd like to be entertained and not insulted.