Atomic Dog
Atomic Dog
PG | 14 January 1998 (USA)
Atomic Dog Trailers

When a pooch is irradiated by a nuclear plant and threatens the town, only a teenage boy can redeem him.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
osachs *As obvious as this film may be, there may be spoilers in this comment.* The main question that came to me when watching Atomic Dog was: "What was going through the casts' minds during filming?". This film is terrible from the absurd plot that it entails to the poor acting on screen. The story of a dog made evil by radiation that terrorizes a friendly community that seems to know everything about dogs, including what they're thinking about. The dogs in this movie are trained horrendously bad and when you think that the stunts probably cost more than the movie will have grossed, that makes you think. To add to insult is blasphemy, as the atomic dog decides to recreate with the little girl at the end, because it likes her character. Was the movie not bad enough without this lame 'Alien like' twist at the end? Stay away from this film, just as much as you'd stay away from an overused porter toilet at the 3rd day of a festival! Serious! 2.5/10
Martin Wagner [Mild spoilers included] This won't win any Animal Planet awards, nor is it exactly good sci-fi. It's basically a 1950's B-movie updated to the 90's. A puppy dog is left behind when a nuclear power plant suffers a "low-level radiation leak," and, instead of dying horribly, is transformed into a Superdog with human intelligence and the ability to leap 9-ft. fences at a single bound. He impregnates the dog of a family who's just moved into town (who apparently don't care their house is down the block from an evacuated nuclear plant) then terrorizes them trying to reclaim his puppies, one of whom is tame and the other vicious. When that doesn't work he tries to "adopt" the family's little girl, who doesn't fear him. Fairly pedestrian all the way around, with not much tension (though the atomic dog is well trained). And I'm particularly bewildered by the poster who said this is a good children's movie; there are 4 dogs in this movie and three of them end up dead.
Hawks_Girl I think this is a crazy but good movie about a family that runs out of luck when they discover that the pups from their dog Trixie are actually mutants. Well, half-mutants. Why oh why....? Because the dog who is responsible for this 'accident' is a mutant himself! He lives in the Power Plant nearby and is actually a devoted father. When he returns to get his 'children' back, the troubles begin...! And when I say 'troubles' you may expect the worst. To avoid a spoiler alert, I must stop here. I already read somewhere that this movie is 'educating' in some ways. That could be true, because living near or in a Power Plant does effect your body and your DNA. Poor doggy, he could have had a normal life, but... Finally, to make you realize you should see this movie, I should warn you that it has a (SO MAYBE THIS IS A SPOILER!!!) dramatic ending. Figure out yourselves what that's supposed to mean, all right?
eek-3 The dogs were not presented as being vicious naturally but by genetic malfunction. The villains in my estimation were the humans who ran the defective Atomic Power Plant and then abandoned it. They took no safety precautions causing a hazard to anyone who came in contact with the Plant. In this case, the innocent dogs were the victims of radiation poisoning. In my opinion, besides family entertainment, this movie also makes a social commentary.