Kill Zombie!
Kill Zombie!
| 16 February 2012 (USA)
Kill Zombie! Trailers

The bizarre story takes place in Amsterdam-West, where a virus turns people into bloodthirsty zombies. Although much blood is flowing and many limbs chopped off, there is a lot to laugh at in this bizarre horror comedy.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
EssenceStory Well Deserved Praise
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Logan Dodd There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
dmdb I only write reviews of movies with low rating, which actually are not that bad. Give them a chance!First of all, you need to understand that this movie is a comedy and even a parody in some parts. So you can't take it 100% seriously. Knowing that, you can certainly enjoy it because it is very funny. There is not a single part for which I can say is bad. You can only say that the story is not original, but since it is a zombie adventure... what can you expect? I love movies about apocalypse and that is the reason why I wanted to watch this one - I don't regret it at all.6.5/10
Leofwine_draca KILL ZOMBIE!, aka ZOMBIBI, is a Dutch addition to the zombie sub-genre. The story sees a group of characters forced to battle for survival after a crashed spaceship brings an alien virus to Earth and turns much of the population into slime-spewing zombies. Will the humans manage to survive the undead onslaught? Sadly, KILL ZOMBIE! turns out to be an entirely juvenile effort, one that tries too hard to be successful.It's an over the top comedy in which the zombie encounters are played for outright laughs and one outrageous kill scene follows another. The characters swap insults and jokes and reference the likes of SCARFACE while getting covered in green goo as they splatter the living dead.Despite the fast pace and the level of energy involved in this production it's a rather undemanding and unappealing affair. The comic book look and feel of the movie is predictable and there's little incident that hasn't been done before and better. Some of the actors are okay but as a whole KILL ZOMBIE! is an underwhelming film.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Anything that just remotely smells like zombie and I will watch it. And I happened to fall over "Zombibi" (or "Kill Zombie!" as it was oddly enough labeled on the DVD cover) on Amazon and had to put my decaying fingers on it. And with good reason, because "Zombibi" turned out to be quite good and loads of fun actually.Mind you that this is a Dutch movie, but you shouldn't be discouraged by that fact. The zombies don't seem to mind, why should you? A satellite crashes in downtown Amsterdam, bringing with it some kind of unidentified green slime which turns people into raging zombies with a hunger for flesh. Aziz who has just been fired from his work end up in prison with his brother and two other criminals when havoc falls upon Amsterdam from outer space. Waking up the next morning, the entire city is turned upside down. Amidst the chaos, Aziz gets a distress call from the woman he fancies, and he have to head back to his former workplace to save her, but the road there is perilous and full of obstacles."Zombibi" is fast paced and has a marvelous mix of comedy and horror put together and it works out quite well. Sure, it is not "Shaun of the Dead" material, but still, it is quite good. The movie will have you laughing and cheering, and for us zombie fans, there will be some nice enough gore moments too.The characters in "Zombibi" are so stereotypical that it just makes you laugh because it is so outrageous. And it works out well that it is done this way, bringing some self-irony to the movie. And the people they cast for the roles were doing great jobs. I have only seen one or two other Dutch movies prior to this one, so I can't claim to be familiar with anyone in the movie, so all new faces that have no prior roles attached to them was quite good.I can warmly recommend "Zombibi" to you, especially if you like zombie movies that is spiced up with comedy. It is a good jab at the zombie genre to come out of the Netherlands.
Keiron Goodwin As recent zombie movies go this film is one of the better ones, I really enjoyed watching it, story was good, cgi was good, it was funny, OK so I'm not dutch and its usually off putting trying to watch the film and read whats going on in the subtitles BUT that aside its really worth a watch, this and another none English language film recently (Juan of the Dead) have really opened my eyes to foreign language low budget horror films. Definitely recommend watching this one if nothing else to see that stunning woman Gigi Ravelli at work... out of ten id definitely give her one... erm I mean TEN! So yeah now my mind has been distracted by thoughts of that lovely young lady ill say that its definitely worth a watch, go buy it now!