Savage Harvest
Savage Harvest
PG | 11 April 1981 (USA)
Savage Harvest Trailers

A family in Africa is besieged by a group of lions, driven to desperation by the drought.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Micransix Crappy film
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
dbalaji I saw this movie in a cable TV when I stayed in a hotel back in 1993. I was simply bowled over by this great movie. I have been trying to get hold a copy of this movie ever since. Now I am married and have 2 nice kids and I would like to watch this movie with them. They like movies in which animals are involved. I am sure they will like this movie the way I loved watching it.The scenes where the lions try to enter the house were filmed well. The best scene of the movie is the climax scene in which the family makes an escape by holding a makeshift fencing. The scene that touched me was the one in which the Family's doctor visits the house without knowing the situation. He gets killed by the savage lions. I strongly recommend this movie for a family viewing
rgburns-2 I have been looking for a copy of this movie since I saw it several times during a cable-TV run.As is often the case I didn't know I wanted a copy until years had passed and I have been unable to view it or own it. I want to watch it with my grandchildren;to add it to the list of things I want them to know while I am still able to play the part of wise old grandad.I have enjoyed repeating one of the lines:" Mem-Saab said stay inside" to my sons who have seen the movie,as "We don't need no stinking Batches"et al.The movie I am sure will not disappoint my 'students" if I can obtain a copy and herd them into a viewing mood and room.The lion, victim interaction beats any other frightening movie of which animals are a prominent feature earthly or unearthly .
margaritadelagarza A pride of lions attack a family in Africa, surrounding the house, and trying to get in persistently.This is the best movie I ever seen about lions. Besides, is a real story, a terrific one. Obviously, lions are superstars in this movie (but sincerely their performance is even better than human crew), the scenes about attacking pride are almost real, scaring, stressing; beautiful African landscapes. Please, someone ask to Twentieth Century Fox or birch class productions to release it on DVD format. Have you seen how many people are searching for it in the internet? I'm looking for this film two years ago. Unfortunately, this is out of stock. If you are a lucky owner, keep it safe because this is probably the last one in the market .... and ENJOY!
cfc_can Normally, when a movie is unavailable anywhere, it is because the movie is lousy. Savage Harvest though is a different story. It's sort of a Jaws-like thriller but involves killer lions and is set on the veldts of Kenya. It features an American family under siege by the cats and it is these scenes that really make the movie. The early scenes which set up the action are forgettable but once the lions take the stage, the suspense begins to mount. The film features some pretty real-looking attacks. Hopefully the animal trainers and wranglers were well paid. Nobody seems to have heard of this movie but if you happen to spot it on cable TV, give it a look. It's worth it!