R | 20 March 2015 (USA)
Backcountry Trailers

A couple on a deep-wilderness hike become hopelessly lost within an aggressive black bear's territory.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
antman-69594 I've never written a review in my life, but I had to voice my frustration. This is a really atmospheric movie, with likeable characters and a fair amount of suspense. It's definitely worth watching...BUT...what drove me crazy was the ridiculous camera movement. My guess is, in an attempt to be arty and perhaps to give a first person perspective of the terror of being alone and hunted in the woods, the camera shakes and sweeps all over the place. Annoying and pointless!! Movie makers, PLEASE stop doing this!
sailaway_rasmus Well, it is nice to think about our works, our minds, sometimes jealous. Cause i feel bad about someone, i choose wrong way or maybe kill myself!! Love is a great feeling, do not destroy it with our thoughts. People usually say go to nature to be free, free from modern life, free from works, minds, to make fun, but whom scapes to woods must think right. There is an important rule in jungle. If you do not obey, you will make problems for yourself and your family. So i suggest you watch this film to understand psychology problems. Acting, screenplay, directing were good. I think special effects are not good enough, could be better, so we fear more, cinematography could be better. Have fun.
Evighat Up until the last few moments, I was ready to give this movie an 8-star rating. Having seen the end, however, i just can't do that. I even feel that a mere 3-star deduction is highly generous. Why? Because I feel cheated. Not only as a movie buff, but also as a man (and I'm not ashamed to say it). Obvious spoilers ahead.I chose to watch this movie to have a break from all the supernatural / run-of-the-mill thriller-horrors out there. I was glad to have found something that is (loosely) inspired by actual events and isn't filled with shallow teenagers acting annoyingly dumb during the first half hour, until things get going at last (I'm usually happy when they start getting offed one by one). In this movie, we witness the ordeal suffered by a man and his girlfriend while in the woods, and we are made to sympathize with them whenever things take an unpleasant turn. First, the girlfriend makes the mistake of talking to a sleazebag and kindly invites him to stay for dinner - the guy, who says he works as a tourist guide, then proceeds to taunt, humiliate and threaten her boyfriend (however subtly), before provoking him in front of her by picking up her panties and making her take them from him with a smirk on his face. I do not think there's a guy in his right state of mind who would not feel repulsed by such behavior. Luckily, the jerk soon leaves and the movie gets straight to the point, as the couple lose their way and end up in the midst of a sea of trees. It does not take long for a huge black bear to show up and begin hunting them. The boyfriend gets massacred quite gruesomely and the girlfriend wanders through the woods, trying to escape. In the end, she uses the last bits of her strength to crawl towards a group of people preparing to enter the woods themselves. Yes, they were tourists, of course. One of them, a young girl, notices the girlfriend and attracts the others' attention to her presence. And guess who turns around and dashes to save her in slow-motion, like the hero that he is (not!)? Our favorite sleazebag tourist guide, obviously!I'll be honest. I found this movie truly engrossing, and I genuinely felt for both the boyfriend and the girlfriend. I can therefore only applaud the film-makers for having achieved that, but would also love to bash their heads in for presenting us with an ending that is not only counterproductive, but even insulting to anyone that sympathizes with the two main characters. It makes me sick!
dave-06400 I found the movie highly entertaining. Not scary at all. My wife and I watched this and laughed through most of it. As experienced campers and outdoors experienced, we just shook our heads at the gross lack of common sense and basic skills. A rookie tenderfoot would not have made the same mistakes. Their actions were simply not credible.