A Hitman in London
A Hitman in London
R | 13 October 2015 (USA)
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After his last assignment ended with the death of an innocent woman, a hitman's new job in London is compromised when he is overcome with guilt, and ends up helping a desperate woman who is caught up in a human trafficking operation.

Seraherrera The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
zardoz-13 An assassin searches for redemption in London after he accidentally kills a pregnant woman in "Instant Death" director Ara Paiaya's gutsy actioneer "Skin Traffik" with martial artist Gary Daniels supported by a solid cast of veterans, including Daryl Hannah, Michael Madsen, Mickey Rourke, Jeff Fahey, and Eric Roberts. This slickly-made, contemporary action thriller qualifies as standard-issue stuff, but Paiaya has a knack for choreographing exciting close-quarter combat scenes with lots of gratuitous gunfire. Gary Daniels is solidly cast as Bradley, and he kicks ass and shoots bad guys galore. Mind you, the villains are a vicious lot, but Bradley also has to worry about a tough cop, Detective Brooks (Jerry Anderson of "Instant Death"), who is on his trail. After he kills the pregnant girl by accident, Bradley decides to help a couple of prostitutes from their abusive pimps. This madness escalates in Adam Davidson's complicated, globe-trotting screenplay when Bradley learns that the prostitutes are innocent girls sold into modern-day white slavery rings. A well-tailored Eric Roberts plays the chief villain with his usual charismatic flair. There are few surprises in this hard-knuckled melodrama, but Paiaya has delivered a predictable but entertaining shoot'em up with an ending yearning for a sequel. At the rate that he is going Ara Paiaya could turn into a top-flight helmer. Incidentally, he turns up in a peripheral role as a henchman who dies a particularly nasty death.
lindamit Skin Traffik is the love letter to the grind house era that Rodriguez and Tarantino's Grindhouse failed to send. Every element is overdone to near perfection: the corny acting, the gratuitous bloody gore, the flamboyant action scenes and choreography. Obviously, the film latches its appeal to a very specific audience and anyone familiar with the action genre will love it, leaving the rest in the dust. But for what the film planned to achieve, you can't leave without thinking that Paiaya succeeded. Skin Traffik is cult action cinema of the highest quality. With an all-star cast to die for this independent film delivers where all others fail. It's inventive and has a lot of heart considering one man 'Ara Paiaya' made it all. Remarkable!
danielchase-72316 yeah!!! I hardly ever get to say those two words with an exclamation mark let alone three, but Skin Traffik is worthy of my enthusiastic vulgarity. Though the premise is simple (Gary Daniels vs. an entire army of scum bags), the essence of action movie Kung Fu heaven is brilliantly maintained. The first scene-setting quarter takes its sweet time preparing you for the bodacious mayhem that occurs in the rest of the film, this film must contain the most frequency of action scenes as there's one every ten minutes or less! It's the most I've ever witnessed in an independent film. Yet, somehow, it never outstays its welcome. Skin Traffik delivered on my every expectation. For ignorant optimists such as myself, that's a cinematic rarity.
leonblackwood Review: What an awful movie! I thought that I would give this film a chance because it had quite a decent B-list cast but the storyline was really bad, along with the acting and the terrible action scenes which were blatantly choreographed. Anyway, it's about a hit-man for hire who decides to hang up his guns after a job goes wrong. Whilst laying low in London, he witnesses a girl brutally getting beaten up by her pimp outside his apartment so he decides to take matters into his own hands, not realising that he was disrupting a underworld that involved big time gangsters. He also decides to save one of the prostitutes who is desperately trying to find her sister so he decides to help her which puts both of there life's in danger. He then starts to come across some of his old employee's who try there utmost to take out Bradley but his fighting skills are second to none. I really made it sound better than it really is! The acting is really, really bad from Gary Daniels who tried so hard to play a tough man but failing miserably. The predictable storyline was weak and poorly written and the action scenes were slow and badly put together. I really expected more from the B-actors, who should have some experience in the business to know that this movie was going to be crap. Maybe they just needed the work! Anyway, the director sadly left it open for sequel, which I definitely won't be in a rush to see, so I'm glad that I've been warned. AWFUL!Round-Up: Once I saw that Mickey Rourke, Daryl Hannah, Eric Roberts, Jeff Fahey and Michael Madsen were starring in the same film, I thought that it might have been half decent but there careers must have hit rock bottom for them to have taken on such a terrible project. Rourke has really messed up his face with too much surgery, to the point were he looks like he dribbles when he is talking. Daryl Hannah has also gone a bit too far with the bottocks but Michael Madsen and Eric Roberts don't look to bad for there age. With that aside, it was good to see some of the B actors back on the big screen and the chemistry between Madsen and Hannah was much like when they were in Kill Bill together but it wasn't enough to save the movie. At 52 years old and with over 70 movies under his belt, it's a shock to see that Gary Daniels can't act. Its obvious that Daniels usually plays the muscle in all of his films so with so many actors to choose from, I don't know why the director, Ara Paiaya, chose to stick him in the lead. Anyway, the director is known for his action movies but I personally haven't heard of him before. He done well by getting all of these B actors together but he really didn't make good use of them and he wasted a lot of time and money putting this movie together.I recommend this movie to people who are into their action/crime movie about an ex- hit-man trying to take-down done gangster who launder women for currency. 1/10
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