R | 31 August 2010 (USA)
Beatdown Trailers

Brandon, a respected street fighter, is forced to flee the city after his brother is murdered and the money that was supposed to be paid back to a local gangster is stolen. While lying low at his father's house in a small Southern town, Brandon soon gets involved in the local underground cage-fighting circuit. With the help of Drake Colby, a former MMA champion, Brandon devises a scheme to bring a massive payday, if they are able to survive.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Geoffrey Held I watched this last night on TV. I have to say it was one of the worst films I have seen in awhile. The acting was tolerable and the story followed a basic lineal pattern. A movie to watch if you don't want to have to dig for the films meaning, this film lacks that entirely. I think when they decided to edit this movie that let a little kid go nuts with the visual effects. It in no way added any artistic quality to the film. There are moments where characters interact for short periods of time and then it fades to black. This is a common fade away method but it was used to death in this film. The fights were brutal but usually ended in the same unsurprising manner. The fights were accompanied by rock/metal music that at times fit but not always. Anywho I would steer clear of this Gem.
Matt Kracht I've seen some truly awful action movies in the past few months. The good news is that this is better than Amsterdam Heavy. The bad news is that it's not much better. The plot is serviceable, though not really what I would call "good". It's got lots of extraneous, unnecessary details in it, like dead brothers, dead mothers, bad childhoods, abusive fathers, etc. It's just one big heap of melodramatic back story for every character. Now, while I'm grateful for the effort, I have to wonder why they thought all that was necessary. The directing was manic and overly stylized, with constant use of slow motion and close-ups of violence. The soundtrack was absolutely horrible, consisting of what sounds like the most derivative and bland music imaginable. On the positive side, there were some attractive people in the movie, and sometimes they managed to act passably well. The fight choreography was generally pretty good, but the fight scenes were filmed rather poorly. If you like exploitative, MMA-style violence, you may enjoy this movie. Traditional martial arts fans may find the nihilistic, fetishistic violence to be distasteful and a bit too white trash.If you're desperate for Michael Bay-inspired MMA fights, then I suppose this might be the movie for you.
Kelchubordnor Before I start my review, please don't watch this if you have epilepsy or any reaction at all to flashing lights. I have very bad eyesight and believe me this movie hurts to watch. Simply put the details are guy is a fighter has to pay off brothers mob debt and fights underground to do it, throw in a beautiful actress and some very decent mma guys including Michael Bisping who is one of the best. That is the story in a nutshell and yes it has been done before a few times. What ruins the whole thing is the atrocious editing. there is so much camera movement, flashing in and out and I could go on but this movie literally made my eyes ache. And I don't just mean the fight scenes which have been obliterated by the atrocious editing. The camera seems to be constantly fighting with the camera man and the director and the editor and nobody wins. This movie would have worked if the camera had stayed focused and just stayed still. I wont get technical about the quality of mma etc as it is too hard to see anything with this movie. I love my action flicks and to be honest I think mortal kombat had better editing than this . Such a shame. I bought this DVD because I saw Michael Bisping on the cover. Wish I hadn't.
oolatech2 I don't know where to begin. I really enjoyed this movie for a number of reasons. First, the romance between Erin and Brandon did not involve a gratuitous sex scene and the nudity in the film had nothing to do with the main characters. Their relationship was extremely wholesome and they spent the majority of their time on screen talking about their feelings.Second, It was full of action packed fights with a lot of blood in a realistic manner. Third, while the ending was somewhat predictable, I felt there was enough of a twist to keep it fresh. This is not a Rocky type movie! I find most movies make the hero a goat first and this one was full of excitement from beginning to end.I thought Michael Bisbing who is one of my favorite fighters was good as Drake, he was playing a former fighter that took fights from time to time to pay the bills. His line delivery was as a matter of fact instead of with feeling but Michael brought his consummate cool which made him a likable supporting character. Props to Susie Abromeit (Erin)for playing the drop dead gorgeous girlfriend without the winy you'll get yourself killed crap. Rudy Youngblood (Brandon)and Eric Balfour (Victor) carried the film as actors and I thought they were the two standout performances in the film. You may remember Brandon's dad from "From Dusk till Dawn" (as the bartender) his character was a paraplegic ex-abusive parent and widower that had found religion to avoid talking about the past and dealing with his emotions regarding his son.If you are a fan of MMA and enjoy a good fight, then this is a movie you could watch again and again. Unless your girlfriend/wife/significant other is in to extreme realistic violence, you may want to watch this without them.