Mystery Road
Mystery Road
| 15 August 2013 (USA)
Mystery Road Trailers

A murdered girl is found under a bridge on a remote road and indigenous detective Jay Swan gets the case. Jay finds that no-one is that interested in solving the murder of an indigenous teenager and he is forced to work alone.

Micitype Pretty Good
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
lizardjims Mystery Road'' is a western-like crime film, written and directed by the talented Ivan Sven. The movie is set in a small Australian town where everybody knows everybody and a gruesome killing of a black teenage girl takes place. The protagonist (Aaron Pedersen) is a young tough-but-fair police officer, divorced and the father of a young girl, who strives to solve the case having often to overcome the nonchalance of his colleagues and superior and the hostile behavior from witnesses and suspects. The plot moves slowly forward, enhancing the feeling of suspense and the breathtaking cinematography is bound to dazzle any viewer. ''Mystery Road'' is a very entertaining police procedural with top-level acting both by Pedersen and Hugo Weaving (in a supporting role) and a memorable, very well crafted, final shoot-out scene. If you are looking for the generic Hollywood crime film you will be disappointed as ''Mystery Road'' will attract the audiences who appreciate different qualities in a movie.
Prismark10 Mystery Road can best be described as an Aboriginal noir western. Aaron Pedersen is Detective Jay Swan. A determined indigenous cop who never seems to give up despite the obstacles in his way which includes threats and racism.The detective wears a white cowboy hat but seems to use very little of his grey cells in the head as he investigates the murder of a young Aboriginal prostitute in the outback.This is a very slow burn thriller with some unresolved side plots and conspiracies. I really found this film hard work because it was so tedious. Only the shoot out at the end perked things up but it really is a boring film with little reward value.
Joe This film came as a surprise. I'd never heard of it before it was being shown late night here, and what I found was an engaging and disturbing film. I was engrossed.Based in a small town in the Australian outback, we have our lead detective single-minded investigating the disturbing murder of a young woman. Despite all the obstacles being thrown in his way, our lead is lead by a level of morality that seems to be missing from everyone else.The story is really good, and encompasses police corruption, ethnicity, self-preservation and isolation. It can feel it has some homage to 'No Country to Old Men' but it's still very different.The cinematography is sumptuous, and the acting is wonderful. Worth watching alone for this.It's a dark tale which is very worthy of viewing.
irishsounds Why was I immediately sold on this movie? Within minutes I was hooked, and stayed with it 100% right through. That, in my case, is an immediate plus point for any movie.So how did it get me? I guess because it struck me as believable - the characters, the places, the story. Having visited the edge of the Auz outback I fully related to the backgrounds and the characters. The texture and feel of the presentation struck me as the genuine article. I have said it before about top quality film directing - that the feel was more like a documentary with real people and not actors.The acting was excellent but not of a fine silken quality or in any way slick. Rather the characters were raw and gritty, which could explain some review comments suggesting wooden or poor acting.This movie felt like a fly on the wall view of the hard side of a tough life in the Australian outback, replete with huge social problems, racism, and defeated and depressed people tying to survive while drugs and crime were eating into the life of the area.As depressing as was the setting, funny enough, I was not in the least depressed by the movie. There was a strong ethical line and I felt throughout that good would make it in the end.This is a great movie without any big name actors, without fancy settings, without a great musical score, without great special effects, without bells or whistles of any description. It is totally minimalist art. It's greatness is in the excellent direction, the acting, the cinematography, and a decent enough plot.