| 18 July 2017 (USA)
Residue Trailers

A private investigator reads a book of sinister origins and unknowingly puts his daughter and himself in a fight for their lives...and their eternal souls.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
areneehunt When Residue began, I was sure it was going end with my demanding my ninety, or so, minutes back. I was wrong. It was a bit cheesy and there wasn't a great deal of money spent on FX and the story was mind-boggling. But I liked it! This is one of those crazy movies where you wonder what's really happening and why? It's all about a book. You're not supposed to read it, but when you don't read it, you're already reading it! I know right! The craziest part is, it knows you, feeds off of your fears, and slowly plunges you into a darkness you can never escape from. Because you're around the book, the essence, the residue becomes a sort of vortex that sucks you're soul from you.Residue, is a low budget movie that you want to dislike, but you're literally swept away! Yes, the FX are so cheesy you shake your head while watching. The acting, though okay, make it feel more comical than horrific. Then the story itself is kooky-creepy, like Creepshow or other 80's spoofs. It's not one I'll be adding to my movie collection, but if I was bored on a Friday night and looking for something on one of my movie channels, I'd watch it again! You'll just have to check it out for yourself Residue 2017 Written and Directed by Rusty Nixon Produced by Motorcycle Boys Productions Stars James Clayton, Taylor Hickson and Matt Frewer
Kevin Taylor This film had a bunch of elements of 80's Carpenter and Cronenburg, and it included Max Headroom and The Smoking Man from X-Files. The lore is pretty solid, the practical FX are a very welcome throwback and look great. I loved watching this film, was one of the more original I've seen in the genre as of late.
omendata If you are looking for a movie in the Lovecraftian style which will twist your noodle and make you wonder what you just watched then this is for you.Its the next day and I still havent really figured out what it was all about , it was just completely bonkers as though it had been written by someone who had just popped an acid tab (LSD) and one of the stronger variety as it was completely bizarre; I cant think when I saw a more bizarre movie in the last few years.The creature effects and complete insanity of it all actually added a prurient aspect and it had some really well known actors in it; the smoking man from the X-Files was superb with his Matrix style flashing background even more bizarre.This movie will work a lot better if you have smoked a Camberwell Carrot as to any lucid person its just completely off the wall, mad and incomprehensible; Actually reminds me of an early "Cronenberg" or "Naked Lunch" type movie so be prepared before you watch it.I am never really at a loss for words but I am with this one! Its not good but then again its not as bad as some of the awful movies I have seen over the last year so it gets a below par 4/10.
mollykate3020 The most immediate flick I can relate this to is the film John dies at the end. Lol maybe mixed in with a bit of Naked Lunch & The Hive (a great indie horror I strongly suggest u check out if u haven't seen it.) What to say, what to say... It's hard to talk too much about this flick without giving stuff away, but I will say pay attention to the beginning... Even though it may not make sense then, I actually went back and re-watched it after viewing the whole film. Another reviewer commented that the climax doesn't really leave room to breathe.. well watching the beginning again gave me a lil more sense of closure. I can give u a little rundown (hopefully) without giving too much away.. A trashy PI is given the opportunity to make some real money by delivering a package.. That package ends up being a journal that has very unusual effects on the reader.. As "the book" is discussed right off the bat in the movie I don't feel like its a major spoiler talking about it. The whole concept was cool, but I wish they'd had a bigger budget and been able to delve further into the journal..The lead actor playing the PI is the reason I can't give this a higher rating.. His acting is pretty decent in some spots and not so great in others.. I liked the daughter tho, and the gf/hotel owner, and of course Lammont and Fairweather. This is the kinda movie that after the first 20 mins or so you're like ehhh, but if u can stick with it, it delivers in a weird sense. If ur into bizarre indie horror, you'll prb be down with this.