R | 13 May 2005 (USA)
Mindhunters Trailers

Trainees in the FBI's psychological profiling program must put their training into practice when they discover a killer in their midst. Based very loosely on Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
adonis98-743-186503 Trainees in the FBI's psychological profiling program must put their training into practice when they discover a killer in their midst. If you count out the fact that the practical effects or puppets are horrible with a doll that looks nothing like Val Kilmer or even the over the top death of Christian Slater the film actually has a lot of suspense and good horror elements that work sure it has flaws some of those that i just mentioned or even the killer getting shot multiple times or when you think that the real killer is actually that guy it turns out to be the other way around. But still a pretty good slasher film but in my opinion go check out D-Tox is basically the same movie and it's better than this one in my opinion but still i'll give it a 7.5/10
Scott LeBrun A team of aspiring FBI profilers are flown to a remote island called Oneiga where others of their kind are trained. Overseen by an eccentric supervisor, Harris (Val Kilmer), their skills are put to the ultimate test when it seems that one of them has caught the killing bug themselves. And this psychopath knows just how to play to the skills and weaknesses of each character. Tensions flare among the group when they take turns suspecting each other.Renny Harlin, director of such epics as "Die Hard 2" and "Cliffhanger", is clearly the right kind of guy for this sort of popcorn fare. It's pretty slick stuff, and the story *is* entertaining if also ridiculous at every turn. It's shot in a visually stark manner, with an almost monochromatic look. The production design by Charles Wood is pretty damn impressive. Things get rather gory at times, but suspense is minimal.Although the screenplay by Wayne Kramer (director of "The Cooler" and "Running Scared" (2006)) is always taking turns making characters look suspicious, ultimately the big reveal is not terribly surprising. This viewer was reminded of John Carpenters' "The Thing" while watching (there's even a blood testing plot point). The closest thing that the story has to a likable, sympathetic character is Sara Moore (Kathryn Morris); there just aren't that many people here worth giving a damn about.Not that the actors can be faulted. Morris is an appealing lead, while LL Cool J is given the opportunity to show off his physique, commit heroic acts, and basically be a bad ass. Eion Bailey, Clifton Collins Jr., Will Kemp, Jonny Lee Miller, Christian Slater, and Patricia Velasquez co-star. Slater has quite a memorable departure from the story.Overall, this is rather silly, but it entertains in its own crazed way.Seven out of 10.
skybrick736 Mindhunters is a movie I really wanted to like however I anticipated it a bit too much. It has a cast that would be star studded for the 1990's but they still manage to have a powerful screen presence that is worth watching. The story to this film is what I call a "Scooby Doo Who Did It?", and even though a bit ridiculous twist, it somewhat worked. My issue was this movie was that it tried to be smart but it really lacked in the thought provoking department. Also, Mindhunters was constantly trying to be suspenseful but there was a lot of flat scenes and some that didn't make any sense. It's worth a rent because it's a good movie to kick back and enjoy for what it is but don't go in expecting a topnotch thriller.
kosmasp While this is just a little B-movie, I did quite like the central idea and its execution (no pun intended). Story wise it's not really that big a deal, but it does keep you guessing and excited from beginning until the end, if you let yourself into the mechanics of the movie that is of course.The horror genre needs movies like this in my book more than anything else. Some might call it a thriller too of course, but whatever genre you put it in, the suspense and the "who's behind this" will keep you on the edge of your seat. With stellar performances (especially for the genre and the money invested) this is above average.