| 05 August 2005 (USA)
Yes Trailers

She is a scientist. He is a Lebanese doctor. They meet at a banquet and fall into a carefree, passionate relationship. But difficulties abound because of his heritage and her loveless marriage. She flies to Havana to sort things out on the beach and in the cabarets. She sends him a ticket, but harbors no illusions that He will join her in this Caribbean melting pot.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Maciste_Brother YES is a seriously beautiful film. I haven't seen a film this mesmerizingly beautiful in a very along time. Without even knowing anything about it, I purchased the DVD for $4 and it's the best $4 I've ever spent. With so many crappy blockbusters and overrated Oscar bait films out there, it's a shame a film this good is virtually unknown. What's really remarkable & fascinating about YES is that it's 100% original. I've never seen anything like it. How many movies today can claim to be that?I've seen a lot of Joan Allen's previous films and she's the best she's ever been in YES. Her performance is a true revelation and plainly shows that she's often miscast in most of her projects. Joan Allen really shines here. In fact the whole cast shines, including Sam Neil. The sparing between Joan and Neal is almost electrifying in its simplicity and directness. The cinematography is vivid and lends itself perfectly with the tone of the film. But the thing that makes the movie is the writing. It's the best. Just listening to the dialogue is bliss. The whole "Aunt at the hospital" moment is simply remarkable. I get goosebumps whenever I watch (and listen) to that scene. It's almost unreal how beautiful it is. One of the greatest moments in cinema, if you ask me.As for those who say the rhyming dialogue is distracting, I watched this movie with other people and they didn't even noticed it until I told them about it.I highly recommend YES. It's true hidden gem that needs to be discovered by as many people as possible.
david-greene5 This comment comes from someone who used to make films and who positively devours them, sometimes seeing ten or more in a given week. I often deliberately seek out movies that I know little or nothing about. I wanted to see the movie, "Yes" because Joan Allen at her worst, in a terrible film is likely to be worth watching, so great is her artistry. In the Brechtian sense, the composing of all the dialect in this film in strictly rhyming verse is alienating. You do not become readily hypnotized into that suspended disbelief that makes many movie stories seem so real. Some very committed, powerful performances in this film frequently make the sense of real, vibrant characters come across very strongly; however, the verse often jars you into standing back, as it were, and more objectively examining what the filmmaker is saying thematically. In my opinion, Sally Potter is dealing here, in a fascinating manner, with some major philosophical issues. It is heady, literary territory and I quickly knew that vast numbers of moviegoers in this day and age would be very resistant to a film that is so far removed from the flashy action fare that is so pervasive these days. I don't know if there was ever a time when one might have expected much box-office success for such a strange film. Perhaps Ms. Potter was blissfully oblivious to this fact in an impassioned quest to bring her project to the screen; however, given the high level of intelligence that is so powerfully in evidence here, I rather suspect that what we are seeing is the product of a great deal of courage. I believe that this artist had a powerful vision of a "dangerously" unique sort of picture and, with that rare sort of integrity that will not permit degrading compromise, she brought forth a film which is dazzlingly rich and thought provoking.......and will surely never work for those who crave that adrenaline rush that seems to be the primary aim of today's blockbuster hits. Such integrity garners all possible respect and approval from me. I was engrossed and intrigued throughout the whole piece.
haltaylorlawyer A lovely and challenging film, wonderfully acted. Complex people leading complex lives and wondering what it all means. Past experiences intrude and haunt present relationships. Lovers caress the present, yet are conflicted by their historic obligations to others and to the values they carry into the relationship. But this is a movie in which you understand the electric attraction of these two characters, who should never have even spoken, let alone found each others. And--I think this is simply an amazing bit of craftsmanship in this day of overblown special effects--words of love and conflict are spoken in iambic pentameter so seamlessly that the viewer barely is aware of it. Not many films are so successfully erotic and political at the same time. It is a gem.
Ghost-Cat If I can not find the rhyme - fine, if I can not find the rhythm - hit me!It's been a while since I have cried watching movie. And by the end I sobbed like a child who has been told that Santa is not real. Of course, I'm lying just a bit, men do not cry in movies. It takes a woman to bring tears to man's eyes. Yet, I admit, the movie touched me deeply. I have been known to write a verse or two. And timing was suspiciously perfect, I just was looking for the answer, hoping 'Yes' could be the word I'll hear from the Goddess. God answered instead. He did not sound 3.14ssed but neither He was pleased with my quest. At least He was amused, you can bet on that. Let us return back to the movie. Some people, I guess, those who did not expect to hear a lengthy poem, might get upset after an overdose of verse. I pity them but only for a moment, it's all I've got for them, the rest is for my Goddess...I meant the time, my darling, not the pity. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All the time. OK, I'm sorry, little domestic troubles. I gotta go now. See it for yourselves. And hear too)))Bye-bye,Ghost Cat