Death of a Ghost Hunter
Death of a Ghost Hunter
R | 28 October 2007 (USA)
Death of a Ghost Hunter Trailers

Renowned "ghost hunter", Carter Simms is paid to conduct a paranormal investigation of a supposedly haunted house. Along with a cameraman, a reporter, and a spiritual advocate, she embarks on a three night journey into terror.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
befoulmetalroosa I vaguely remember watching this on Netflix, I believe, quite some time ago. It was that memorable that I watched it again, remembering it after most of it was done. It was...all right. The acting was better than expected, but the music was quite annoying. The interactions between the characters was believable, except for the jarring, one-note characterization of the Jesus freak. I've known some holy rollers in my time, and though they can be annoying, they're not nearly as nasty as this one was.What I can't understand is how it could be considered a 'found footage film'. The 'found footage' comprises perhaps fifteen percent of the total film. No real jump scares, unless you're very nearly asleep and the loud noises make you jump, like they did me. The little girl was, perhaps, the only really sympathetic character in a film full of veiled hostility. The characters were vaguely hostile to each others' chosen professions, and the environment itself was hostile. All in all, an okay film with a 'message'.
dfcurran I do not know where the low ratings are coming from. Perhaps from members of the religious group which is put in a bad light in the movie itself. The acting is not at all bad. Lindsay Page who plays a very important role as a investigation-crashing fundamentalist is excellent. She came across as very realistic. I am surprised she hasn't appeared in more films. The other actors where also playing people who are not actors. Not a easy role to play. Our ghost hunter and the videographer are realistic enough so as not to interfere with my sense of being in the world the movie spins. The journalist might have been a bit over the top in places. At other times she did fine. One thing that could have been better is the choreography of a fight scene. But it was not so terrible as to be completely unconvincing. This is more a movie for fans of ghost hunting shows than for fans of scary movies. That said the script is very good. The plot is not at all boring. I recommend it.
atinder Here was another Found footage movies. I have seen half of the movie before as it cameo on little late few years ago, I could not get into at time. Now that I was in Mood to watch Found footage movie, i thought this was really good.I found that the movie flowed really well and I didn't get bored at all, thinking the movie was bit too long at times there were some good decent creepy moment in this movie that I really liked.Also really liked effects in this movie was very good and knew that twist that coming, I loved the back story of the movie was really good. The only thing that really lets the movie down is Abysmal acting from the whole cast, if you can get past that , it might enjoy the rest of the movie. 5/10
Michael O'Keefe Dealing with the paranormal an open mind is required. Carter Simms(Patti Tindall)is an experienced ghost hunter hired by Seth Masterson(Gordon Clark))to investigate a home twenty years after a family member, minister Joseph Masterson, and his family were slaughtered. Simms is accompanied by a photographer(Mike Marsh), a local reporter(Davina Joy)and an uninvited religion advocate(Lindsay Page). A three night investigation will prove residual paranormal activity and more. A gruesome story unfolds...and as expected...a bit more in director Sean Tretta's low-budget chiller. My favorite scene is the appearance of the ghost of the little girl peeping around the door. This film does bring an uneasiness, but nothing genuinely scary. Thank you Netflix for a creepy late night.
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