Time of Her Life
Time of Her Life
PG-13 | 23 January 2007 (USA)
Time of Her Life Trailers

Two ghosts, separated by time, who have roamed the grounds of a historic English mansion, searching for each other are brought together by Ally (LAURA PENNEYCARD), a photography student who is experiencing dreams she can't explain and Emmett (GEOFF SHAW), the son of a wealthy industrialist. Emmett befriends Ally and together they unravel the truth behind the disappearance of his long lost love, Catherine a beautiful servant girl. However, Ally must first overcome her fears of his ghostly appearance before she can help Emmett find Catherine and reunite their love. Shot in the beautiful location of Hylands House, this lavish drama with a supernatural theme, leads you through past and present in a series of spine-chilling nightmares, ghostly appearances and suspenseful chase sequences, which moves into a beautiful romance tale, drawing on all your senses from the outset.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Audra Crane The film is bad on virtually every level-even student films run circles around this for quality. The dialogue and acting is dire. The exposition dumps are hilarious. Virtually all the actors seem to be just reciting lines into space, there is no sense that they are talking to each other or have any sense of timing. The lighting fluctuates wildly. The tone flicks all over the place and the lead actress can't decide whether to be chummy with the ghosts or terrified- so she goes back and forth throughout the film. She also receives and forgets information consistently- maybe the script changed throughout filming. If I had to hear the fake asthmatic gasp of the lead one more time, I might have had an asthma attack myself. It's completely inaccurate as to English inheritance law and just generally doesn't make much sense. Part of the reason my review is so harsh is that I am very leery of all the 10 star reviews- an adoring mother wouldn't be able to give this 'baby' more than a 6 and an honest review is truly a 1.
JAMES BROWN (jibproductions) Shining a ray of hope for other filmmakers with the 'it can be done' attitude Steven M. Smith has accomplished what little others have; delivering a period drama on a budget.'Time Of Her Life' is a feature, which in itself is enough to be praised. Furthermore it uses historical locations based in Essex to draw the magnitude of the love tale to our psyches.The script is forward moving at a pace that allows us to develop affection towards the main character, Alley (played by Laura Penneycard).The movie clings to the issue at hand, resisting the temptation to bombard it with unrelated issues other young filmmakers might have tendency to include.Overall, 'Time of Her Life' demonstrates Steven M. Smith harvests an intelligent perspective on emotional issues and will no doubt grow to become one of the UK's leading film-making figures.
jdgrem-1 Happened upon a copy of this. Not mine and if I had spent my own money on this I'd be finding those responsible and demanding it back! All I can say is this would be a terrible student film. Any understanding of the medium of film is absent. Acting is god awful, the story would have been rejected from the original Twilight Zone series as unoriginal and lame, and the change in tone of the lead character's reaction to the 'ghost' is laughable.I can only agree that the 'glowing' reviews of this film are from friends and family. I'm afraid it's not even entertainingly bad.Amateur in the extreme! Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!
nfw7 I had the good fortune to work with Steven Smith and Greenway Entertainment on Time of her Life. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of a very professional cast and crew. We are all delighted with the results. I'm sure this will be the first of many successes for Greenway entertainment. Greenway are a very hard working company with original ideas and projects in the pipeline. There is no genre they will not explore. If you enjoyed Time of her Life do look out for their next release you won't have long to wait. Steven Smith is a commendable Director he managed to put the cast at ease and obtain some fantastic results, we are sure to hear much more from him in the future. Nicole Freeman-Wright (Lisa)