Jug Face
Jug Face
R | 09 August 2013 (USA)
Jug Face Trailers

When a supernatural pit worshipped by a remote community in the woods demands a new blood sacrifice, a young woman struggles to find a way to survive as the pit lashes out in anger.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
sixbells99 There is a lot to commend in this film, we don't start with a young married couple with children moving into a very expensive house they got half price. All the protagonists, already know the "horror" and the story starts in a unique place compared to the last hundred horror films I've seen.In fact due to its start and its premises I so much wanted this film to be good. But unfortunately that's all this film has to offer. The plot is weaker than a drop of whiskey in jam jar. The destination the same place a dead end road arrives at. Its as if the director and the script writers didn't really understand how good an idea they had.The cast do a great job of making real people without stereotyping, but they are ultimately let down by a very weak script in the third part of the film.I found the film ultimately boring and just didn't go anyway , just repeating itself a great idea just not used. This had a false start but its going in the right direction, lets hope the next generation of horror films go for braver and more original material, just like jug face.
Michael O'Keefe This indie project can be described as much a drama as horror film. Chad Crawford Kinkle directs this gory yarn of a backwoods community that sacrifices a clannish-type member to a feared creature down a deep pit in the middle of the woods. The chosen one is determined by the face on a jug made by a mentally challenged member of the community. Ada(Lauren Ashley Carter)is a young girl that must escape the woods, when she finds her face on a fresh made jug. She hides the jug and this doesn't please the creature in the pit. Another reason for high-tailing it away is that she doesn't want it known she is pregnant by her own brother(Daniel Manche).JUG FACE is mildly creepy and at times gory with scenes of bloody guts and body parts as someone is sacrificed to the haunted pit. These hillbillies are a bit dense and their lives are manipulated by the fear of the pit and creature hidden within. Language, bloody violence and brief nudity call for an R rating. The story line is odd and somewhat dark. The acting is not totally bad, even if there is only one familiar face in the cast...that of Sean Young. Miss Carter is believable and not hard to look at. Others in the cast: Sean Bridgers, Larry Fessenden, Katie Groshong, Scott Hodges and Kaitlin Cullum.
L_Miller A reclusive backwoods society maintains their way of life by making sacrifices to an unspecified monster. When a teenage girl discovers both that she is pregnant and she's the next sacrifice, she tries to escape her fate. Some blood, but mostly just creepy and sees the ending through with more focus than A-List movies. Acting is not just serviceable but good, especially since it deals with backwoods archetypes that it's hard to not turn into a parody. This thing is deadly serious and realistically portrayed even with the supernatural elements.Good movie - kind of a different take on "Winter's Bone" if you liked that. Check it out.
Shawn Stetsko Solid acting, a quite original concept, and a well woven tapestry of a... shall we say, alternative culture, make this into quite a strong movie. I found myself invested in the main character enough to care about the outcome, and intrigued enough in the "elder power" around which the community revolves to want to know more about it. I will say it is not a conventional horror movie, so those who hope to get jump scares and loads of blood are better off looking elsewhere, but if you want a thoughtful little film that still has an element of supernatural, this might be a good one for you. Definitely worth watching, and all the better considering what an expanse of recent garbage this little gem shines out on.Addendum: I saw some criticisms of this movie and they mostly seemed to center around the idea that it left too many questions unanswered, that it didn't have enough of a story, or that it didn't wrap up to a particular viewers satisfaction. I could not disagree more. The premise is that there is an entity whose older than man whose thinking is unfathomable. To answer the nature of such a creature in your narrative would destroy that property of it... wouldn't it? Personally, I like the unfathomable aspect of it. I like wondering about it but never being given an answer. As to the ending and the lack of a story, without giving anything away, well, a group such as this would have developed a kind of relationship with the entity which would have become very entrenched over time. This tale is a slice of time... not a closed end, and I think the ending we are presented with is the perfect one for the, shall we say, nature of the beast. It is precisely these kinds of things that make the story a bit more innovative and not just another Hollywood style tale designed to satisfy the person who prefers things to be more predigested.