The Battery
The Battery
| 13 October 2012 (USA)
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In rural Connecticut, baseball players Ben and Mickey are trying to survive a zombie plague. They are forced to form a battery: a catcher and a pitcher who work together to outwit the batter, the one who hits the ball. And the batter in this case just happens to be a zombie. Tough Ben and gentle Mickey frequently disagree on the best way to go about the situation. Then they suddenly hear a human voice through their walkie-talkies. Is salvation nearby, like Mickey thinks, or is Ben’s suspicion justified?

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
mitchguynn Just when I was ready to give up on the Zombie Genre as a whole, Jeremy Gardner managed to outclass all of Hollywood and impress me with his take on the Zombie Genre. Even more amazing, he did it on a budget that would barely cover a cast dinner in Hollywood, $6000The movie is very slow which admittedly is painfully slow at times and heavily relies on dialogue so if that's not your thing than you may want to skip this one but if you don't mind or are a fan of excellent script writing and dialogue driven plots, then this movie will one of the best low budget movies you will ever see.The acting is alright but I have to say, Jeremy Gardner who directed and produced, "The Battery", was absolutely phenomenal in his role as Ben. His solo performance along with the great camera work in the last 10 minutes or so will leave you speechless. Watch out for the name Jeremy Gardner in the future.The first half is honestly abysmal in every aspect but the second half is pure greatness and get's better as it goes on until the last 10 minutes or so which is absolute genius.It was the first Movie to make me say "Wow." once the credits rolled in a while.I'd recommend this movie to anyone who likes: Zombies Dialogue driven plots Independent movies Great script writingI would not recommend this movie to anyone who dislikes: Slow plot progression Zombies Buddy films
noonecarestoknow I am someone who has loved zombie movies since I saw Night of the Living Dead when I was 11 years old (more than 35 years ago). This is definitely in the tradition of the best films in this genre. Just like in the early Romero films, the focus is on how we as human beings respond to the zombie apocalypse. It's not an action film, and if you like World War Z you're probably not going to enjoy it. But if you're smart, and want to see some really great and insightful character development, great acting - all backed by a great soundtrack - then you'll love it. And not to undersell the horror. No spoilers, but the long scene in the car is one of the most seriously frightening things I have ever seen. Not all fancy special effects, but real terror if you have a half decent ability to project yourself into the scene.Hats off to Gardner and Cronheim - to make this for $6K makes the Night of the Living Dead budget of $60,000 (in 1968) look lavish. Watched it twice at least, and if you crowd fund any new horror movies I'm sending in some cash.
Matt Kfr So I thought this movie had a solid story where you have two guys who were originally just baseball teammates and acquaintances who decided to stick together after the zombie apocalypse.This movie had a good take on zombies being fairly slow and easy to kill. I liked the character development. There is one downside to this movie and it's why I only gave it an 8. It feels unfinished. This might be interpreted as a spoiler so spoiler warning.Throughout most of the movie the one character is trying to find these people he hears on a walkie-talkie radio. He reaches out to a girl who says that her group's safe zone is "not what it seems". All I'll say is the movie never fully builds on this. It just went in a different direction than I expected. I would have thought they would have been tormented by this group's leader (sort of like in the Telltale game The Walking Dead 2). That doesn't happen at all. Instead the rest of the movie they are stuck inside their car.It's worth watching at least once. The film makers are selling this movie for $5 on their website. Is it worth it? Not really. Maybe $2 rental on Vudu or something. They should work out a deal with Netflix, Redbox, or Youtube Red instead if they want some revenue from this movie. Or even offer it for free on Youtube and collect ad revenue.
fung0 I'm truly astounded by the mediocre rating for this superb little film. The Battery has humor, horror, character and visual style. It packs more cleverness into each scene than most movies - including those with 10 or 100 times the budget - manage in their entire length.The story is deliberately slim: two average guys (who happen to be baseball players) wander the countryside some time after the zombie apocalypse. One of them is easy going, happy to take each day as it comes. The other is lonely, living in denial and longing for his old life and our vanished civilization. That contrast is played out in a series of vignettes, each with a sly and subtle point.The dialog is very sharp, and the two leads are played to perfection. The pace and style of the film are unusual: it really feels like a camping holiday, where there's no hurry about anything. It's also hilariously self-aware. This is the kind of zombie movie where the characters have actually seen every previous zombie movie. Call it a post-zombie road-trip movie. It comments on the genre, while extending it in an interesting new direction. It lets us get to know its characters, slowly but thoroughly, and shows us how average people might really feel in a world empty of people but filled with undead menace.The ending came as a bit of a surprise to me, but it made more and more sense the longer I thought about it. This definitely is a movie you'll want to think about. One that will stay with you. Top-notch, on every level.
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