One Shot
One Shot
| 07 October 2014 (USA)
One Shot Trailers

When Kyle Matthews, an elite Sniper from the World Defense Force, is trapped in enemy territory - his skills are put to the test as he attempts to survive against a whole armada of Cerulean soldiers, Hell bent on wiping all humans from existence. But when a beautiful Cerulean woman is shot and left for dead by her own kind, Kyle must chose between his own life and the life of one of the very beings he is out to kill.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
khayden It is so obvious the 'bad Aliens' are supposed to represent Muslims.. the ethnicity of the actors who play the parts of the aliens are of middle-eastern descent or closely resemble Arabs and middle-eastern. The way the female alien and the leader of the aliens are dressed clearly resembles that of tribes men and women. In my opinion whoever made this movie had an agenda... and it was anti-Muslim. Before anyone gets the idea I am Muslim and I am being over sensitive.. think again, I am an atheist and as far as I am concerned all religions are ridiculous. But what is even more ridiculous is someone making such a cringeworthy and obvious piece of anti-Muslim propaganda. To make things worse, it is a dreadful story line, really bad dialogue, poor production quality and badly acted. Watch it and decide for yourself.
Movie Lover Personally I did not enjoyed the movie. You do not have to wrap your mind around this one that the movie is crap, so no I will not watch it again. That's a really good film, someone wrote, well he or she must be a relative or something. When I first watched One Shot review on IMDb it had a 5.6 score now 2 days later it is on 3.6 oh yeah the complete crew and family had voted, not to stupid a 10 no just a 5-6, no one will notice. I voted 1 because I could not vote less, too bad. There is no trailer, sure how to make a trailer of of nothing, it would have been nice, now I spend one hour on nothing. Someone wrote, I enjoy watching for bloopers, objects that should not be present such as tire tracks in westerns, etc. If they were present in this film I missed them, so do I but this movie, sorry my mind was at different places. Now you are warned do not use your time or money on this piece of junk.
MoviegoerinWI I enjoyed this flick a lot. There was subtle propaganda in that a few of the characters appeared to be Pashto alongside the aliens, but if you are into the military/action genre, this coupled with a SciFi element made for a very interesting premise. There was some slow periods, but the SciFi angle really spiced it up.The only thing is that the command and control element hovering in low earth orbit appeared to be taken at a local fast food restaurant with red tables in the booths and the female military personnel wearing the type of baseball style caps you see them wearing in such restaurants. Maybe this is all meant for that audience.Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. Nine out of ten stars.
emphedokles I am a big fan of scifi movies. Even when they are cheaply made. As long as they have a intelligent made or even just interesting story i am entertained by that. On Shot did not entertain me at all.There is a sniper who is somehow observed from a military space station using an infrared telescope. Thats the whole scifi part of this movie. This guy does what a sniper does. Lying in the dirt, sniping and running to his next position. After watching for 15 minutes a sniper running through the desert, shooting "aliens" which are just guys with contact lenses and fancy gas masks i started to fast forward. >> More desert >> more sniping >> more guys with contact lenses and gas masks and so on. All non military "Aliens" look very arabic by the way. Maybe because people which live in deserts automatically dress like arabs ... even if they are aliens.If you cut out the few parts with the space station you could easily retitle the movie to "Afghanistan sniper adventure". Some people would maybe wonder why the Afghans have all blue eyes and what unusual brand of gas mask they are wearing there, but most people would not even notice that it was meant to be a science fiction flick.This is probably a somehow acceptable sniper movie, but it completely failed at being a science fiction movie.