Plan 10 from Outer Space
Plan 10 from Outer Space
| 23 February 1995 (USA)
Plan 10 from Outer Space Trailers

A woman accidentally discovers the Plaque of Kolob which leads her to discover an insidous alien plot for world domination documented by a disreputable early Mormon prophet. 'Plan 10 from Outer Space' is an eccentric comedy involving a bizarre relationship between Mormons, bees and extra terrestrials. Shot on an obviously miniscule budget with a largely unknown cast, save for b-grade queen Karen Black, this is the perfect example of an inventive and original script outshining technical shortcomings.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
funkyfry Often funny (though sometimes seemingly unintentionally) take on alternate Mormon history has Karen Black as Brigham Young's 28th wife, who turns out to be an alien. She sings and dances in some truly bizarre musical sequences that are somehow likeable. There's also a very elaborate dance spectacle. Weird plot of repressed Mormon woman (Russell, presumably) obsessed with her beefy neighbor who she dreams of riding on his motorcycle onthe sky to outer space. A very cheap movie, done with lots of love for film and a sharp eye for the ridiculous aspects of Mormonism.I've heard a lot of people criticize this movie because they rented it either thinking it was Ed Wood's movie ("Plan 9 from Outer Space") or that it was a sequel to it, not bothering to notice that it was made 30 or so years later. It's a pretty funny movie that may not be quite as unique as its "prequel", but stands on its own. Trent Harris deserves more notice from fans of interesting movies: his film "Reuben and Ed", which has been out of circulation for years (a friend of mine had to pay a ridiculous sum on Ebay for it) is a true classic. My friend tells me that Harris works at a news station (presumably as an editor) in Salt Lake City to earn his living and save money to make his unique films. I think somebody with a few bucks to scrape together (and believe me, this guy doesn't need more than a few) should take notice and get this guy more involved in the business before he gives up out of sheer desperation in the hot Utah sun.
Infofreak I almost left this one on the shelf after scanning the lousy packaging which really gives you very little indication of what this strange little movie is really like. And while I am as much of an Ed Wood fan as the next guy, this movie has absolutely NOTHING to do with his nutty sci fi movies. It is its own kind of nutty sci fi, and any attempt to link it with 'Plan Nine' is misleading. 'Plan 10 from Outer Space' is an eccentric comedy involving a bizarre relationship between Mormons, bees and extra terrestrials. Shot on an obviously miniscule budget with a largely unknown cast, save for b-grade queen Karen Black, this is the perfect example of an inventive and original script outshining technical shortcomings. I look forward to seeing more from writer/director Trent Harris if this is any indication of his bent vision. I was also impressed by lead actress Stefene Russell, who displays a strong comic talent and is hell cute to boot. I hope she gets more screen work in the near future.
minimogul Don't let the "exploit" title of the this production fool you. It's funny and a times, even charming. Stefene Russell is quite a find, and the film has a nice, quirky feel about it. Has a lot of cute comments and satire about Utah.
eddy-28 The long awaited sequel to Ed Wood's disastrous Plan 9 From Outer Space. Although Plan 10 From Outer Space is a little better than the first only because this one has no mistakes as the first. This one is more of a Comedy/Scf-fi/Horror Flick. Even though it was made almost four decades from the first, Plan 10 is slightly better. The film includes Robots, The Resurrection of the dead (Again! But without, Tor Johnson, Bela Lougsi, or Vampyria) and a mad woman from Outer Space enjoy it!Ed Wood, your Plan 9 was great, but Plan 10 is your long awaited sequel only if you lived to see it, It might have made you proud!