Paranormal Activity 3
Paranormal Activity 3
R | 21 October 2011 (USA)
Paranormal Activity 3 Trailers

In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.

ChikPapa Very disappointed :(
TinsHeadline Touches You
ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Paul Evans For my money this is the best of the series, I wasn't particularly blown away by the first two, although the first one did have the more original feel to it. The usual scares throughout, but the story here is quite good, there's more meaning, rather then scares just for scares sake. There is more of a subtlety here, until the very end that is. I like the fact that it's set in the seventies, ore hi tech, all the technology they have on hand is clunky, makes it more interesting.It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, you could argue that it plods along a great deal for the most part, and the scares are few and far between. Best bit for me had to be the scene where the camera pans to the babysitter sat at the table and the sheet comes to life, it's a very good moment.Good performances, the kids do a fine job, the youngest in particular. 6/10
morrison-dylan-fan After finding the second title in the Paranormal Activity (PA) series to be a bit disappointing, I decided to take a look at the credits for the third PA,and was intrigued to discover that it was directed by two non-Horror film makers,which led to me getting ready to enter the PA world for the third time.The plot-1988:Moving into a new home, Julie,her boyfriend Dennis and Julie's kids Katie and Kristi try to settle down in the new location.As everyone else starts to relax, Kristi begins to talk about an imaginary friend called Toby. Dismissing Kristi's chats to Toby as a child's wild imagination,the family start to hear strange noises,and begin to wonder if objects are moving around the house without any of them touching them.Getting advice from a friend,Dennis sets up video cameras in order to record everything that takes place round the house.As the recordings start,the family start to fear that Kristi's friend Toby is not part of her imagination.View on the film:Teaming up with a co-writer of the second PA,director of the first PA Oren Peli comes back to the franchise with PA 2 co-writer Christopher Landon to deliver a spooky Haunted House tale that also pushes the mythology of the series to the front.Going right to the beginning of the activity taking place,the writers make the references to the other two PA films feel like an omen of the events taking place,thanks to the writers making sure that the references do not dominate the chills.Keeping the family closely knitted,the writers wonderfully use the supernatural horror to build an abrasive friction between the family,as Julie holds on to the hope that Toby is Kristi's dream friend.Swimming from the documentary world,directors Ariel Schulman & Henry Joost lock the house in an icy,slow-burn atmosphere,where each step that the family make round the house is met by creeks and broken objects from an unknown source.Taking advantage of the Found Footage genre,the directors survey the house with excellent,extended tracking shots which creates tense anticipation over something moving in the background,and also casts the impending doom in a superb foreboding manner, as the family are struck by the first ever paranormal activity.
CinemaClown The third instalment in the Paranormal Activity series, the story of Paranormal Activity 3 is set in 1988, 18 years prior to the events that took place in the first two films and serves as a prequel to the series. The plot follows two sisters, Katie & Kristi, who live with their mother & her boyfriend and soon discover their house to be haunted by an invisible entity.In my opinion, Paranormal Activity 3 is the epitome of false advertisement. Because every single thing that was good in its theatrical trailer doesn't even exist in the final print, which is no doubt a very frustrating discovery, and what exists in the picture is the same old dull formula that lost its potency long ago, which in turn made this one a painfully boring affair.Even the scares are predictable, the added element that reveals the secret behind all this supernatural phenomena is lame, the cast & crew is amateur at best and all of them fail to add or bring an interesting dimension into the story, the ever-hovering camera still doesn't justify its presence, and this weakest entry is a perfect indication that this lifeless franchise needs to be put out of its misery.
jacobjohntaylor1 No this is not scary at all. It is just some bad actors screaming in the dark. I saw this in a theater and had a laugh because I was the only one not getting scared. Most people these day can't sit throw an old horror movie because they would pee in there pants. By time this movie gets any were there is not even a minute. Paranormal activity 4 is better and that one is not any thing that good believe me. The story line is awful. The ending is awful. It is not scary. Why would any one 10 or older get scared. This is just so lame. Don't see it. If you got scared of this don't see Dracula (1931) or any of the exorcist movie because you will pooh in your pants. L.O.L.