The Devil Inside
The Devil Inside
R | 06 January 2012 (USA)
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In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
TheLittleSongbird Despite not being a fan at all overall of the found footage/mockumentary style, there are some good exceptions out there. While not an avid horror fan, though a long way from a detractor, there are some great examples and some great films based on the subject of exorcism (the king of them all still being 'The Exorcist').'The Devil Inside' however really fails to deliver. Did form my own opinion, though with a little knowledge of only a few reviews before watching, and watched with an open mind, actually wanting it to be good and be better than the slightly drab premise suggested. 'The Devil Inside' was just a shocker in almost every sense of the word, we are not talking about the type of film it is but the actual quality of the film.It's not entirely without redeeming merits, though the cons are far more numerous and significantly larger. The best performance comes from Suzan Crowley, who gives a heck of a chilling performance. Surprisingly also the contortionist effects were pretty unsettling.However, that is it for 'The Devil Inside's' good points. 'The Devil Inside' has such a drab look and further cheapened by the excessive and badly abused (even for this particular style of filming) shaky cam, which will make people nauseous and should come with a health warning for epileptics (speaking as one myself).Can't remember anything about the music, while the directing is lifelessly amateurish and the script is a shambles with far too much talk and too much emphasis on the science-versus-religion and faith-versus-scepticism, which really bogs down the atmosphere.No better news about the story or atmosphere either. The story is sluggish, increasingly derivative and predictable, with some unintentionally silly parts too, while the atmosphere in general is just too histrionic and there is next to nothing scary in a film already rather under-populated in the scare factor. Only Crowley and the contortionist effects offer any kind of that.Much has been said about that abruptly lazy cheat/cop-out of an ending and for very good reason. Crowley aside, the acting is very poor, with a lead performance from Fernanda Andrade that is both histrionic and somnambulist.All in all, a shocker in almost every way. 2/10 Bethany Cox
David Wyatt I've read reviews here that indicate this movie is the worst Horror movie of all time, I can only imagine these reviews come from people who don't watch a lot of horror films.While this is only an average film, it does have certain positive aspects that will keep you entertained for its short run time. Dealing with demonic possession, the film offers some scary moments but ultimately fails to deliver much context or sustained interest.I agree the acting was extremely bad from the majority of the cast, however the mockumentary style works well for the jumps that are present and gives it a reason to be put in front of an audience.If you're looking for a few cheap scares then this is for you, if you're looking for a horror film filled with mythology, acting and dialogue, then I'd look somewhere else.
jennypatira Okay so I read your comments but I'd like to say the movie is different. There are some scenes that freaked me out but how many of you have heard about Demonic transfer? This movie proved that demons can get transferred from one person to next. Think in a view of Maria. From Maria to David to Isabella to Michael. That's demonic transfer. If you look at it in a learning way, you will have many questions like What is an exorcism? Or what is Demonic Transfer. I may have not seen it in reality before but I saw it in this movie. I learned a lot from it, thing is Have you? If you didn't pay attention to the small details you would not like it. If you did, you would agree that this is true. Choice is yours.
Leofwine_draca THE DEVIL INSIDE starts out as a promising 'found footage' style mockumentary, detailing demonic possession in much the same way as the (better) LAST EXORCISM. After a genuinely creepy opening segment, however, it gradually starts to fall apart and ends up being an ultra-familiar and, in the end, disappointing movie.The problem with the film is the story, or lack of it. It follows a group of rookie priests who perform various exorcisms, and the narrative is tenuously tied together by the presence of a pretty young woman who's attempting to help her mother, herself a victim of possession. The trouble is, it all plays out exactly as you'd expect, with nary a surprise along the way.It goes without saying that the two exorcism scenes are genuinely disturbing, but that's only because they slavishly copy the EXORCIST formula without adding much in the way of new stuff; it also strikes me that the limb-breaking stuff has been done before in THE LAST EXORCISM or elsewhere. And as the film gets on, it gets worse, until it ends up being just people running around and screaming instead of compelling viewing. It comes up short and abrupt at the end, reinforcing my opinion that the writers ran out of steam.